WrapPack - single use gift wrap packs


New member
Today I had to run out to Target during lunch to get materials to wrap gifts for my gf's birthday. I obviously had no materials with me since I'm at work and don't do this often. So I went to the gift wrap isle looking for wrapping paper, tape, and perhaps a ribbon/bow.

I was dismayed to find the smallest quantity of wrapping paper I could buy was a full roll at $3.99+ that I wouldn't use again until Christmas or her next birthday, plus who wants to use the same paper over and over it looks lazy). Then a roll of tape was another $.99 even though I only needed one or two 1" pieces. Then most bows came in packs as well although I found a few singles, ribbon on the other hand was all rolls.

I think it would be a decent business to have single use gift wrap packs. These packs would include a single sheet of wrapping paper, a few strips of tape, and a bow (maybe ribbon or a name tag as well). It would come in size S, M, or L to accommodate different size gifted. The bow/ribbon would be hand picked to accent the paper perfectly. It could be sold in 2-packs, 3-packs, variety size packs, etc. Then the whole pack could be sold for $1-2.

I think to really be effective it would have to be picked up by a big box store or a bunch of local ma&pas since no one will pay shipping or wait for delivery of these.

@annap16 I was thinking just buying wholesale off alibaba then packaging the singles myself. The margins would certainly be low with such a low cost item but appears would still come out profitable (not including marketing or anything yet).

Although the margin would be low enough for me to not really be interested in perusing it.

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