Wrote a flask API to access GPT models from different providers


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A RESTful web service created to provide a simple API for generating text using various GPT models based on different providers. Whether you want to integrate chat completion into your application or explore the capabilities of different GPT models, this project has you covered. Relies on xtekky/gpt4free.

Checkout a demo app I built using it. The app converts a YouTube video into Markdown blog which can be edited: https://res.cloudinary.com/dpfpk49oa/video/upload/f_auto:video,q_auto/abyvfhw7z0a5y4ptmvvm

Quick heads up – it's kinda my pet project, not a serious prod thing. The providers might be a bit quirky, but it's all in good fun. So, take it for a spin, and let me know what you think! 🚀

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