[X-post from /r/entrepreneur] A case study on how we got clicks for £0.09 and highly targeted leads for £0.52 on Facebook


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Nothing being sold or promoted here. Just a case study on how we got a client to get clicks on her ad for £0.09 and highly targeted leads for just £0.52.

Let's start off with the client's business. She sells a premium coaching product for £500 and upwards. Her target market is people aged 40-65, who are looking to transition careers. Assuming she converts just 1% of her highly targeted leads, that's a RoAS of 1500% or more. Sounds like a pretty effective and profitable campaign to me!

Here's some proof from Facebook's mobile ad manager -

Here you can see the ad spend and cost per lead

More stats on engagement and link clicks

How did we do it?

1. We always start off by researching a client's campaign goals and target audience.

We've got a set of questions we like to ask over a 30-60 minute interview. If we don't think the client has a product or service that can succeed on Facebook then we don't take them on. In this case, we had worked with similar businesses before and I was pretty confident we could get her results. And we did!

We crushed her targets for CPL and are on track to hit her goal number of leads on time. Plus there's been some solid engagement with her Facebook page which is always nice.

2. Audience targeting

I recommend using a few different tools to really dig into who your audience is.

We use Facebook's audience insights tool, Google Trends, Wolfram Alpha, competitor websites/blogs, Amazon reviews, and basically anything that can give us some insight into how the audience behaves and thinks.

This step is absolutely crucial if you want to succeed with your ads. It played a huge part in getting our ads a relevance score of 10, which means lower CPC and more leads!

Basically you want to put yourself in the mind of your customer. To do that, reading as much as possible on psychology and marketing is a must. But you also have to research intensively until you know the details about your audience. Don't stop at the surface level - dig deep!

3. Craft a compelling offer.

Okay - on Facebook your offer has to immediately resonate with your target audience. You have maybe 1.5 seconds before people lose interest.

How do you capture their interest? You have to know your audience first amd foremost. Specifically their motivations. In this campaign, we used a question in our headline to immediately capture attention and get people thinking.

Questions are engaging. They get you to start thinking. Our question also touched on a deeper desire that the audience had - not wanting to experience regret.

Once we had that initial pain point brought up (experiencing regret), it was time to offer a solution.

That solution was-

A) super specific

B) available instantly after filling out their email

People want to know you'll solve their problem. Being specific helps you to show that you can solve their problem. They also don't want to wait in most cases. So we reassured them that we'd have a solution sent to their inbox. A solution that would only take 5 minutes to start helping them.

Quick note - originally the client was calling the lead magnet she offered a "guide". We changed the wording to cheat sheet and saw much better results immediately. Why? People don't want to browse through a guide. They want to scan something quickly and get value out of it. By making the lead magnet less of a time investment, we saw conversions jump up. Try it yourself!

4. Use the right imagery!

Okay so let's think about why we use Facebook. Is it to look at ads? Nope. It's to consume content. So don't use images that look blatantly like ads.

You want something that connects with your audience and doesn't look like it was pulled straight from /r/youdontsurf

We tested 5 different images to see which one would get the best results. Of those, two got us really good CPCs amd conversion rates so we stuck with them. They were pictures of normal looking people. No crazy graphics or anything like that. Just simple pictures that could be found on a friend's feed.

5. Test and optimize

We always test and optimize our campaigns to squeeze out every bit of performance. Here's a few quick things you can look at -

A) does one age group convert better?

B) do men or women convert better? Does one offer work better on one group?

C) which images get the most attention?

D) which offer converts best?

E) does mobile or desktop provide better results?

F) which placements are most profitable? (Hint - it's rarely instagram for new advertisers!)

We tested all of these and used the data to improve the campaign. The above numbers are actually before most of our optimization had a chance to show results. We're expecting to drive costs down even lower over the next few days.

Feel free to ask questions in the comments or PM me. I'm going to be getting on a flight in a few hours but I'll try to get to everyone when I can!

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