(x-post r/startups) Here are 11 proven tactics for improving your pitching


New member
As always, just read the Medium Article. So much better depth, formating and pretty pictures.


Content is king. But the way you deliver the content can make all the difference. Use CLT's, 11 verbal and non-verbal tactics that have been quantitatively proven to have positive effect in audience rating. The speaker's percieved trustworthyness was increased, and percieved competence increased by 60%!

Charismatic Leadership Tactics (CLT's):
  1. Methaphors, anolagies and similies
  2. Contrasts
  3. Rhethorical Questions
  4. Three-part-lists
  5. Expressions of moral convictions
  6. Convey confidence
  7. Setting high goals for yourself and the audience
  8. Facial expressions that convey emotional states
  9. Gesticulations
  10. Animated Voice
  11. Storytelling
Find what works for you. Use Correctly. Use moderately. Balance is important. Overuse and wrong excecution will have negative effect.

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