"You should stop spamming Facebook groups & threads." (All the learnings from my eCommerce experience)


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This is what I received in DMs & comments from my last post about "3 underrated eCommerce profit multipliers."

I didn't feel bad or anything. Instead, I asked what they didn't like and what can I add so it'll be beneficial for eCommerce owners & marketers.

So in the last post, I just mentioned the main factors people should think of while scaling the eCommerce brand. But didn't explain in a detailed manner.

Actually, I can talk about each main factor & subfactors for hours but I'll be very specific and short (so you can quickly read in 2-3 minutes and instantly implement it in your eCommerce business.)

So here's a short breakdown of subfactors that will improve the overall performance & profitability of your eCommerce brand 👇

  • Test different pricing, try to increase the product price (A/B test it for best sellers)
  • Make product bundles (best sellers, example of McDonald's)
  • Use a quantity discount (buy X+n qty and get X% discount)
  • Give a high % discount when people buy more than $100 or $500 (depending on the product price)
  • Free shipping above X price (If AOV is $50 then make free shipping above $60-$70)
  • Upsell/down-sell/cross-sell relevant/different products (pre or post-purchase, test it out)
  • Upsell express/premium shipping
  • Upsell product warranty for X years
  • Upsell gift wraps, premium packaging
  • Increase repeat buyers and do it cheaply (email blasts, SMS marketing, web notifications)
  • Loyalty programs
  • Subscriptions
  • Play with different offers/promotions to warm+hot customers like a clearance sale, seasonal sale, new product launch, and you can be creative with offers and promos (Do competitor's research for this)
  • Offer discounts on their birthdays, anniversaries and you can be creative with this
  • Know your customers, your data, when they buy, what they buy after first purchase, use google analytics to get this idea, and send email blasts at that time period
  • Try to increase the LTV of customers by offering creative offers, promos, etc.
  • This is a very broad topic. You can use organic & paid methods to acquire new customers. People have built different agencies of following methods 😅
  • SEO (organic way to generate traffic) - takes more time to generate traffic
  • Social media organic methods (Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Snapchat, Quora, Pinterest, Clubhouse)
  • Conversion rate optimization (CRO analysis)
  • Build your email list by offering relevant lead magnets
  • Influencer, affiliate marketing
  • Paid methods like Facebook, Google, TikTok, Snapchat, Pinterest, native ads - a most favorite method of eCommerce brands as we can test different parameters quickly, get data, analyze, make decisions faster, and grow the brand faster than any other customer acquisition methods
  • Content marketing (video, graphics, blogs)
I feel all good marketers know all these methods. But it's not about knowledge and knowing everything.

It's about troubleshooting the issue. What's causing performance to go down or not able to scale the account?

You just can't only test different interests and creatives in Facebook ads if there's an issue in CRO, AOV, or offer?

It's about analyzing the data, knowing your numbers, then using the 80/20 principle as I explained in the last post.

Which are the low-hanging 20% factors that are going to improve overall performance by 80%

We can even go deeper and analyze that which is that low-hanging 1% factor that is going to improve performance by 64%?

  • Understand what's the issue?
  • Find the problem causing that issue
  • Analyze the data and patterns
  • Then improve those 1% or 20% factors which are going to improve overall performance
I hope you find them useful and actionable 🙌

If I missed any subfactors, then you can comment down below so this will be helpful for people who are in the eCommerce space.
@remminhdangvn In groups I usually comment and be active in other ways before posting. Whenever I do post something, it's after noticing a trend that everybody wants a good answer or input for it. When you engage in other ways beforehand too, you won't come off as a stranger whenever you do post.

This is why I tell people that Facebook groups or social media related organic growth is quite a slow process that takes a lot of hours investment to get right and see sufficient results. It's better to use the Facebook groups for blog content syndication and just engaging with your niche in your spare time. That way you'll focus all those hours on perfecting your SEO for a better rank than impressing people on social media that won't even provide a sure and predictable return of conversion or not.

People are shut off because they don't find your post valuable or not. They're shut off because there's a wholeeee lotta noise on the internet. Remember that whatever you're showing or telling them about had a end result, in their case, a successful, profitable store. Show these successful profitable stores while sharing your post so that those ecom founders will act on emotion to read, engage with or even convert from your posts.

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