You won't be able to roast our SEO writing app bc it's perfect ;) roast our startup


New member
Hey Guys I'll be super quick, this is my first SaaS product so I'm looking for feedback and testers.


The Product: Transform your unstructured SEO writing process into a powerful content engine. Generate quality AI-written articles in bulk then schedule and post them to multiple domains using our Shopify & Webflow integrations.

Simply enter a list of keywords or blog titles and then generate. Our Webflow & Shopify integrations allow you to create and schedule blog posts all in one place. You can even pull free thumbnail images from pexels based on article content. You can use it for free to manage your Webflow and Shopify blogs in one place. You just don't get article tokens.

The Market: There's a zillion AI writing solutions out there. Our niche is SEO power-users with multiple Shopify stores and Webflow sites. We designed it to
  1. creates better articles than vanilla ChatGPT
    1. streamlines Webflow and Shopify's CMS management
Company Stage: we are a bootstrapped company and are cash flow positive. We are launching on Product Hunt next week and starting up the marketing gauntlet.

Who we are: We (Ben, Billy & DJ) are all entrepreneurs in our 20s that run multiple websites ecomm, consulting, service industry and otherwise. So naturally we had a need for a central dashboard to map out our SEO strategies. I (Billy) hacked together a prototype for my SEO agency clients in Airtable using and OpenAI. Then Ben & DJ developed the standalone app while getting feature feedback from my clients.

Customer conversion strategy: Right now we're all word of mouth. The product has helped our clients organic traffic explode so that's helpful. We're obviously doing Product Hunt but long term we think building out an SEO wiki and a Youtube channel will be our primary way to reach customers.

Thanks Reddit!

-the OpenDraft team

Ben, Billy & DJ

P.S. pm me for free platform credits
@abzin44 I can offer a light roast. Light, because this seems pretty good.

The first issue I have is that the website is rather slow. In Google's website speed test it gets a score of 65 out 100. It's not horrible, but it's pretty bad.

I would prefer to see a privacy policy summary under the Waitlist subscription CTA. As a user, I don't know whether this is a newsletter signup form, or a single use thing when I only get notified when your product launches. The wording implies the latter, but I suspect it might be the first.

And speaking of privacy policy, your privacy policy contains some weird clauses.

For example, under the third parties section, you say that "Where personal data is transferred to a third party in the United States we take steps to ensure we agree the standard contractual clauses with them." - but I don't notice anything about transferring data outside of the US, which kind of implies that you reserve the right to transfer any data you collect outside of the US for any reasons you want. This is probably not what you mean, but this wording kind of implies that.

Back to the landing page.

It's very weird why the big product screenshot rotates for no reason when mouse cursor is over it. It almost looks like a bug. It's just weird. Why would you do that?

Under the weirdly moving screenshot you list brands like Tesla, Figma and Stripe without any information why. How are these brands related to you? Are they your customers? I doubt that. But if they are, you should declare that.

Your testimonials section looks good.

The pricing section is a bit odd. The Early adopter lifetime plan says it includes "All in Essential & Plus", but the Essential plan includes 20 AI blog credits and Plus contains 100 monthly AI blog credits. So how many credits does the lifetime plan include? If it includes 100 credits, why not just say it includes the Plus plan for life? Also, I have no idea what one credit in this context means as it is not defined in any way.

The number one concern I have when seeing a product like this is the quality of the generated AI content. This landing page doesn't address that at all. How about show us a few AI blog posts that your thing created?

Speaking of blog, yours is a bit confusing. When I go to the main blog page, it says your latest blog post "Create SEO-Optimized Content for Webflow Blogs with Ease" is written by Billy Howell, but when I actually click to read the blog post, now it says it was written by Jennifer Hudson. Which one is it?

Also, your Jennifer Hudson person seems to be a fake persona with a stock photo. That's rather disingenuous to use this kind of fakery. That would be my second concern when seeing any AI related product: how much fakery is going on with this product, and using this type of thing doesn't really help to build trust with you.
@karenwnc that is great feedback. Thanks for taking the time to write that, man. We will make these changes, super helpful.

Jennifer Hudson thing is weird because I wrote that one! I think that's a default placeholder a team member forgot to change

good call on site speed. Strange because it's a one page Webflow. Must be images or something

PM me your email if you sign up and i'll send some free credits. It really is the best AI writer solution I've used because I've tailored it to my needs. Would love to tailor to others' needs as well
@abzin44 Quick roast above the fold. You want your users to convert. Reduce the number of CTAs, cut the fluff, and add social proof.

If you want to convert more users from your landing page, speak to their pain points and offer your solution.

[Imgur]( )

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