Your input is welcome: ScoreBreak - automatic game film breakdown


New member
Name: ScoreBreak

Pitch: Automatic game film breakdown for high school basketball and college lacrosse

Status details: We have acquired a modest number of high school basketball teams to use our product for the 2015-2016 season.

Our current processes outside of development are in shambles. We have 0 sales processes aside from me beating the street and kicking in the doors. Our onboarding processes are nearly nonexistent, and our support processes have yet to be laid out or executed. I have no plan for when we reach
we will execute
type situations.

We are currently ticking off features as we work to releasing v. 1.1; our first feature release! This one will include support for NCAA Divison 1 lacrosse programs. We already have one paying Division 1 school doing a private beta.

ScoreBreak is currently a team of three: myself taking architecture, design, testing/quality, product management, sales, marketing, support; an iOS dev who could have just as easily done our backend in a language than what we chose and a backend developer who could have just as easily done our iOS front end; chose this situation because I was sold on going with Java for our backend; pumped we did. We only have iOS applications as of now, available for both iPhone and iPad:
App Store link

For those interested, the iOS developer works 4.5 hours a day; backend dev does nights and weekends. I think this is workable; at least we are making this work. Our velocity isn't the best, however we are the literal definition of a micro-startup.

So, what up?: Looking for help in many aspects of the business: PR, sales, connections to teams. Please feel free to reach out via PM or comment. Would absolutely love to hear any feedback you may have, I'll happily respond.