Your Load Speed Is Costing You Money: Why Page Speed Matters

An Article I wrote, I've copied the full body here:

If your site has load times in excess of a second, you're not achieving the conversion rate you're capable of- and that means you're leaving a lot of money on the table. There is up to a 2% drop in conversion for every additional second spent loading1.

Interesting Data-Points from WalmartLabs3
  • A large e-commerce site published a study in which they did extensive A/B testing and found a 100 millisecond delay in loading time = 1% drop in revenue.
  • Search engines A/B tested performance and found that a 500 millisecond delay caused a 20% drop in traffic.
  • In an experiment across multiple retailers, a 1 second delay caused a 7% decline in conversion.
How Much of a Difference Does it Really Make?

Consider this: if you are generating $500,000 in revenue with an industry median conversion rate of 5%4, and an average order of $455, improving your conversion rate to 6% could mean an increase in $100,000 worth of a revenue- a 20% increase!

Faster Page Loads Lead to More Pages Viewed Per Visit

We not only see a relationship between bounce rate and page load speed, but additionally, total number of pages viewed. More pages viewed means a higher chance of conversion. This intuit consistently reflects the exponential drop off in conversion found by WalmartLabs as the page load time exceeds one second.

I've left citation links, but will not link the full article to respect the community guidelines. If there are any problems with the citation links as well, I can remove them.