Your opinion on 2 (maybe 1) eSports related startup ideas


I am a 26yo frontend developer and UI Designer.

Today I was watching the Google keynote and thinking about this gaming industry. It's extremely big and will only grow.

Right after this, I came up with the folliwing startup ideas:
  1. A platform only for gaming and eSports vacancies. Just like all those websites specialized in - i.e. - IT, but for (pro) gaming and eSports.
  2. A website/network with not only gaming eSports vacancies but jobs which are related to this industry (I.e. marketing manager for a eSports company).
Maybe it could be one idea or one platform with two directions on it: vacancies for eSports and eSports related vacancies.

Throw feedback below! :D
@lost_in_nothingness The problem with starting any platform is driving users from the supply side and the demand side. Why would an esports org use your platform to recruit unless there is a lot of high skilled traffic from players looking for teams? The inverse, why would high skilled players use your platform to find a team unless there is a strong presence of recruiters looking for free agents? If you can provide a good answer to these questions then you may have something. I am also interested in starting something in the esports space but I haven't really come to anything that sticks. If you want, message me and we can bounce ideas around!
@mrlutrinae Thanks man! Fair point. I think eSports can becoma a whole new sector, like IT and Finance. There are several IT and Finance oriented recruitment companies but i can't find any company oriented on eSports. It's a new thing and I think many people can't imagine how big it's gonna be. There will come more teams, more pro-gamers, more jobs in the field around esports, etc.. It's something we cannot completely foresee yet, I think. That's what makes my enthousiasm grow when I think about this idea.

Just DM me if you have ideas yourself and maybe we can share some things man! Would be great :)
@lost_in_nothingness As far as I'm aware, the eSports teams are composed of people who excel in competitive play. Take League of Legends for example, all the people who are highest ranked on there will either be in teams or know people in teams and will try out to join their teams.

My concern for your idea is that no eSports team would need to use your platform, because they'll already be aware of the top talent. Imagine Manchester United looking for players, it's the same issue, the demand is so high and competitive that they wouldn't need a platform to scout.

However, I think if you made it open to people looking for a team (let's say they're extremely good but not professional), then maybe it would open a lot of doors for people trying to break in. Taking LoL again, they may have a super high rank and want to break in: then they could find other super high ranked players and join to become part of a team. They could then start competing at the lower levels, hopefully to progress.

Either way, I think your current idea in its original form wouldn't work.