Your thoughts on my (beta) website?

Hi everybody!

I am a web developer and I just (kind of) finished my "first" side project called: Productivera.

It is a website where users can post ideas/their own expertise and connect with like-minded people.
If you want to take a look:

It is not finished, but the basic functionality is there (and as you can see, the design isn't finished either).

Since this is my first attempt to deploy and maintain a website (+ hopefully a community), I thought I would post this here, any advice/opinion and roast is appreciated.

If you can, please create a few posts, I would be very grateful (it is mostly empty rn).

Have a great day everybody.
@highseas Thank you for taking the time to look it up.
Do you mean that I should "focus" on certain people, e.g developers/freelancers, OR do you mean that the ideas should be on one category e.g only website ideas?
@christhepenitent Thats the fun part of business. I'm not sure what will work better for you but I would would run inexpensive fb ads and test your best ideas. A couple hundred bucks and two landing pages will give you a lot of insights.
@christhepenitent Yea so your above the fold text is too much imo. Try and come up with one short sentence.

Im no copy expert but ive worked with great ones. They always tend to build. So one sentence at the top as an easy explainer. Then two more further down and so on.
@bkimble001 You got a point I admit.
This site is focusing on posting ideas and then other people can join to create it, its a site for networking and connecting with the right people.
Of course, you can do that on reddit too. I just thought why not make a website for this kind of thing.

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