YouTube/tiktok/IG/LinkedIn/Reddit/other: Which platform do you learn about growing your business by age?


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I’m in my mid-30s and I like going to YouTube to learn about different topics around starting a business or what tools to use for email, newsletters, social media.

I know lots of Gen Z are using TikTok (I’m not on it). As a mid-30s person, I like details and DIY videos.

What is your age and where are you learning to start/grow your business?
@leopold425 Currently 33 and started my first business in 2018.

Youtube has been my primary platform for learning with Twitter (X) in close 2nd place. Specifically Alex Hormozi on Youtube, very detail-oriented. Also recommend the training videos on his website, Recommendations on X would depend on the type of business you're in.
@leopold425 Youtube for me. 34.

I wouldn't say any other platform even comes close. Short form content is good to bring awareness, but the long form content gives the most context/insights.
@leopold425 I can tell you this... if you're running your business off of personal startup funds, business loans that affect your personal credit, and your business profits... you doing it the hard way. Establish credit for tour business that way if it doesnt work out, your won't incur any personal debt. they have a great resource showing you how and why.

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