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    5 secrets nobody tells you about Webinar marketing

    @prayforthetruth Wow, nice volume posting x3 a day in TikTok. Are you seeing consistent views with that and growing?
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    5 secrets nobody tells you about Webinar marketing

    @prayforthetruth Totally agree. Repurposing can be very time-consuming and therefore left out. We have done some automation based on reactions, so we get suggestions on what video highlights to publish on SoMe.
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    5 secrets nobody tells you about Webinar marketing

    @prophetdavid I really like your second point! I have also seen hosts succesfully bring a sidekick that can ask these questions in the open chat, or via video - so it feels more natural and less awkward. Definitely, setting yourself up for success and lots of times sparking more organic questions.
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    Any success stories with G2 and review sites as growth channel for SaaS?

    @livelovelaugh Definitely! It is quite a bit of job in the start asking customers to fill it out, so super curious on some data on people who have done it and are further down the process. We have been building out quotes and a love wall on our website, which has been our primary goal previously.
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    Any success stories with G2 and review sites as growth channel for SaaS?

    @that1gurl77798 Good input, especially on the timing part. We have yet to run Product Hunt, but looking into it.
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    5 Tips to run a Truly Engaging Webinar

    @shyla Thanks for sharing. Three additional pointers from seeing and being part of 100s of webinars are: 1. Be aware of the dip 15 min into the webinar, where many looses focus. 2. Acknowledge questions coming in - even if you don't answer them right away - otherwise people feel discouraged to...
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    Any success stories with G2 and review sites as growth channel for SaaS?

    @slenderfender Thanks - this is super interesting. Have not paid for any listings yet - but can imagine they are quite pricey. Sounds like Capterra is a good ROI though - so might look into it. What stage are you guys at in terms of traction/ARR?
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    Any success stories with G2 and review sites as growth channel for SaaS?

    @szilvia That’s cool! Yes, that’s what some of our customers told us too. Do you check any other sites as well, or is G2 the main one for you? Nice input - personally it feels a bit wrong to put a monetary value to it/reviewing/referring, as you want it to be a genuine loop feeded by customer...
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    Six Pro Tips to Build An Awesome Sales Funnel

    @cmbaptist Nice tips! For (3) blog writing - it takes a ton of time to make sure the quality is really outstanding . In our case, we also need someone with a deep understanding of our niche and product for it to not be general nonsense. Are you doing it yourself, or found a way to outsource...
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    Any success stories with G2 and review sites as growth channel for SaaS?

    I’m curious to hear about your experiences of listing and getting some reviews on G2, Capterra or similar. We just started out last week, and have 5 reviews so far. How/if it generated growth for your SaaS? At what amount of reviews did you see it generating leads? At what stage of your...
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    6 founders building in public to follow.

    The #buildinpublic movement is everywhere right now - with everything from scrappy indie hackers on solo ventures, to VC-backed founders, transparently sharing their journeys for the world to see - and engage with. Here are 6 SaaS founders to learn from: 1. Adam Robinson - growing...
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    A 1 month TikTok growth experiment - From 0 to 4.4M views and 10.2K followers

    @thetreeoflifeway Feel free to write me a DM. Happy to hear more about your book
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    A 1 month TikTok growth experiment - From 0 to 4.4M views and 10.2K followers

    @xneedhelp Glad you found it valuable! Average watch time will be a super important metric that tells you a lot about why your content is not pushed to more people. So make sure to look at that and include hooks in the beginning. My feedback: - Right now it is a bit unclear why I should keep...
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    A 1 month TikTok growth experiment - From 0 to 4.4M views and 10.2K followers

    @steve11987 Good question, I found evenings to be good when people get off work and school. But, also it seems TikTok:s algorithm pushes views at a later stage sometimes a few hours after then you get a few 100s or 1000s of views suddenly. And if that first wave catches on they push it to more...
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    A 1 month TikTok growth experiment - From 0 to 4.4M views and 10.2K followers

    @october12 Also, I think it might be difficult outsourcing the content production - I think you have to be creative and get it off the ground first - see that your concept flies. Reduce the unknowns. Then you can think about being scalable and outsource the parts you already know are working.
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    A 1 month TikTok growth experiment - From 0 to 4.4M views and 10.2K followers

    @october12 It's all up to you, and if you have the skills/interest to do the videos yourself. I would say it definitely helps to include a person/real face in the video, with clear audio and subtitles. Again, all about catching and maintaining interest. Have not seen much animated content on...
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    A 1 month TikTok growth experiment - From 0 to 4.4M views and 10.2K followers

    @october12 Think it’s excellent for short news summaries, but need to have that hook early on - and be super relevant or locally niched. Maybe top 3 articles with most views from all the newspaper in a geographical area or sector each day?
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    A 1 month TikTok growth experiment - From 0 to 4.4M views and 10.2K followers

    @elainecrawford Haven’t worked with IG that actively, will get back to you if I do some more experimentation there ahead.
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    A 1 month TikTok growth experiment - From 0 to 4.4M views and 10.2K followers

    @firemist I have founded a startup Univid, but have not pushed anything about that on TikTok. So mostly been a separate experiment to see how I can grow an audience focused on books and driving readers for my blog. Got almost a thousand impressions on my blog and some signups for my newsletter...