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  1. P

    5 secrets nobody tells you about Webinar marketing

    @mahogany41 When I did it in October, yeah. I didn't plan it at all and had no strategy (just used trending sounds and random hashtags related to the niche) and was able to attribute ~$1k in revenue. We didn't even have that many followers then (around 2k). But I stopped posting as often (was...
  2. P

    5 secrets nobody tells you about Webinar marketing

    @letgod Well I post on Tiktok 3x a day but don't wanna post that often on other social media (would rather schedule it for later). Maybe I set up the integration wrong but it automatically posted on other social media when I post on Tiktok
  3. P

    5 secrets nobody tells you about Webinar marketing

    @letgod Yes but it's a bit painful to use for me haha
  4. P

    5 secrets nobody tells you about Webinar marketing

    @shyla These are great points!! One day I will figure out the best way to automate content repurposing and distribution after webinars (like turning into blog, tweets, etc)