5 secrets nobody tells you about Webinar marketing


New member
These secrets are more important to know, particularly when you are a beginner in webinar marketing.

Secret #1 - It is ok if none of the registered participants turn up for your webinar.

Webinars are not only for the live audience but also prospects who might discover your video recording months or years later.

So, never cancel even when no one joins. Record it without fail.

Secret #2 - It is ok if the participants ask zero questions at the end.

Questions at the end are not the only measure of engagement. It is very common for people to watch a webinar and then follow your social media.

They may ask questions when you post on socials later also.

Secret #3 - It is ok if there is no coverage of your product, in the speaker's script/slides.

It is desirable to NOT force-fit your product into the content.

Your authority and brand value are increased by hosting a webinar relevant to your target audience. Not by nagging.

Secret #4 - It is ok if you don't have a budget for video editing.

No one switches off the webinar videos because the graphics are not cool.

Unedited recordings of zoom/google meet actually come across as authentic instead of a flashy video that pushes your logo.

Secret #5 - It is ok if your video recording tool failed to produce a usable video.

This happens even to experienced webinar marketers. No need to worry.

You could create a short blog/video with a summary of what you learned from the webinar instead.

Do you know any such secrets useful for beginners who are just starting with webinar marketing?
@shyla Great points, but as someone whose done a bunch, I can tell you that my energy is very different when no one shows up.

Regarding #2, we always come up with 3 seed questions incase the audience doesn't ask, or they ask silly things and we want to make sure we cover some of the FAQs we know about.
@prophetdavid I really like your second point! I have also seen hosts succesfully bring a sidekick that can ask these questions in the open chat, or via video - so it feels more natural and less awkward. Definitely, setting yourself up for success and lots of times sparking more organic questions.
@shyla These are great points!! One day I will figure out the best way to automate content repurposing and distribution after webinars (like turning into blog, tweets, etc)
@prayforthetruth Totally agree. Repurposing can be very time-consuming and therefore left out. We have done some automation based on reactions, so we get suggestions on what video highlights to publish on SoMe.
@letgod Well I post on Tiktok 3x a day but don't wanna post that often on other social media (would rather schedule it for later). Maybe I set up the integration wrong but it automatically posted on other social media when I post on Tiktok
@mahogany41 When I did it in October, yeah. I didn't plan it at all and had no strategy (just used trending sounds and random hashtags related to the niche) and was able to attribute ~$1k in revenue. We didn't even have that many followers then (around 2k).

But I stopped posting as often (was working on other projects + the freelancer I hired didn't have to post as much since we only paid for 5 videos per week). Growth stagnated after that

Planning to do some more research + dig into data for rest of Q4 and figure out what to prioritize in 2023, whether it's Tiktok or another channel!