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  1. M

    Shop workers theft prevention options?

    @orthodoxokie Close the shop.
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    Feedback - Finish this sentence: “I help ___ with…”

    @meganschlegan “I help subreddit mods with reporting spammers”
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    How to dissolve a S-corp in California?

    @steve777 First, talk with a lawyer.
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    A comprehensive list of alternative 'Smoke Test' techniques to test early signs of desirability before you launch 🚀

    @scoobysnack Nice work, thanks! Freeze the first two rows of the first tab for better readability. please.
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    Getting Clients on Contracts

    @chole1 Why is this a good thing for you? Have you had any issues, or misunderstandings, with your work? Are you getting paid promptly now? Your post seems to suggest that you'll be getting less business from your current customers and be under more scrutiny by their contracts/legal...
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    Any growth hacks for growing YouTube subscribers or are we stuck slogging it out with time consuming white hat methods?

    @iambridget "if I had 20 YouTube accounts with different IP addresses running on Jarvee that are watching all of the videos on our channels and clicking a like button, would that be enough to give them a push faster?" No. It will get you kicked off utube faster, though. "We are already posting...
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    After failing for years, I did it. My store is 9 days old w/ $18,631.19 in sales & a 62.57% profit margin

    @joy1991 I especially liked your comment about "Gurus", there are too many people who fall for them and never realize what a waste of time they are.
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    Founders and Developers: What's Your #1 Legal Headache?

    @lizzrr Fucking lazy ass spammers expecting me to do their market discovery. And, this: No External Surveys/Feedback Requests
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    Handyman side business — how to emphasize that I only want small jobs?

    @loxjox "I only want to do small jobs (toilet replacement, small repairs, things like that)" So, just say that clearly. You did it here, you can do it on a business card and wherever else you advertise. It might be a good GMB hack, too. Nobody gives a fuck about a business name, only what it...
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    I built a Reddit lead generation platform, looking for feedback and beta users

    @brianr "I know a lot of subreddits shun or outright ban self-promotion, so it’s extremely important to have helpful posts." This. Encouraging DMs, linking to a landing page or any other method to convert in a subreddit is a waste of time. This still works on quora some forum sites and, maybe FB...
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    Need Feedback for my Windows backup service

    @ladyfarrier FEEDBACK!!: No External Surveys/Feedback Requests
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    Doing marketing as an entrepreneur: What I'm doing + Asking for feedback

    @brasyliam Identify your ideal customer first. Then, narrow your marketing efforts to that avatar. Otherwise, you are scattering your efforts and money on getting page views from anyone regardless of their true needs for what you are offering.
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    How do you come up with eComm Store Names?

    @abdulrahman1subih "This is one of the most important decisions you’ll make in your business’s life" No. Nobody gives a fuck about a new business name. Names can change. Names do change and businesses survive. The most important decision is whether the product/service serves the intended market...
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    How I built a 30k daily users app completely monetized with ads

    @stujames32 Good story, and congratulations for the happy ending! What's the vertical the app plays in? Did you look at organic methods to grow the viewership? Yes, post Part II
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    New Age Business to Reward Every Employee

    @kcool Build a worker owned cooperative. There are lots of models to follow.
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    49% MRR growth in 24 Hours - with One Pricing Change

    @ovixs90 Congratulations on understanding how valuable customer interviews are to your business! Too few startups have those discussions. Imagine how much further along they would be if they did meaningful ICP discovery before writing even one line of code.