Search results

  1. M

    How to be taken seriously as a female founder?

    @thepaintedbeat Wish I had better news for you, but it doesn't really get better you just learn to work around it. I've been in business for 30+ years now and this still happens. It's been happening the entire time and hasn't changed much, even though I have been first leading teams then...
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    I've been asked to help a small business but have concerns

    @onlyway019 Um, no. They're freaking out waaaaaay too late. The time to have done the freak out was when they put together the plan and saw all the strikes against this place. Even well funded restaurants in good locations run by experienced people fail more often than they succeed. If...
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    I've been asked to help a small business but have concerns

    @onlyway019 You're right to be concerned, and not just a "little bit". This entire situation is nothing but huge red flags. I'm a CPA and if I had a friend, client, heck a bystander off the street describe this situation, I'd strongly advise them not to become involved and under no...
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    I want to convert a 6 garage stall into a small vintage shop, I’m located in Minneapolis MN, need advice please

    @oceankeeping Check with your local zoning requirements before diving too deeply into anything else.
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    Thoughts on this compensation model for tradespeople?

    @adrialee Guaranteed income will definitely help attract and retain employees. Whether your levels of pay are reasonable, we can't possibly know without understanding your local market conditions and comparable pay for similar type work. In my local area, even Walmart pays $2-3 an hour above...
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    What is a fair amount of time for lunch/breaks to offer your employees?

    @lucianne Before you dive too far down this thought exercise, make sure you understand what the laws are in your particular state. Some states have very strict requirements for breaks, others don't. But know what your state requires.
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    Buying recycling plant -- Need advice

    @tinks You are considering investing $2.4 million. If you do not have the expertise to evaluate this purchase, for the love of God - it's time to hire accounting and legal help. This is not DIY or ask randos on the internet territory.
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    Am I Crazy?

    @maxilinko Yes, until you get a little more experience in contracting and contacts with solid subs, you'd be crazy to just start offering services as a contractor. Solid estimating, procuring, cost control and getting good subs will sink you quickly if you don't know how to do that or don't...
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    Should I abandon my current business to work with someone else on theirs?

    @tamraho Not enough info. This sounds very much like a negotiating situation where the first person to put their offer on the table loses. Start thinking about what you believe might be worth it and fair for your involvement but make him state the initial proposal (which you will then...
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    Buy or lease Tesla Model Y

    @denise4god If you're just using the car to drive to your consulting client, that's considered a primary commute and wouldn't be tax deductible, it's not a business purpose. If you consult with multiple clients a day then your drive from home to the first client and your drive from the last...
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    Software for tracking small business workflow?

    @blueskies94 If you can whip this up, then you might find your larger revenue opportunity is marketing this custom system to other small batch food processors. Small niche markets like this don't often have elegant solutions and if you can provide one, you'd probably make more money selling...