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  1. J

    What’s the likelihood you’d get a response?

    @laquacc Is there a time in which I should call quits like if they don't reply despite trying for a month. Or do I quit when I quit?
  2. J

    What’s the likelihood you’d get a response?

    @laquacc I found some people in linkedin but I don't know when I should connect. Should I just connect stating thing like I want your IP to create merchandise, here's the price we're selling it at, here's how many people we got signed up for it. Would you give us your IP? (Something in those...
  3. J

    What’s the likelihood you’d get a response?

    @laquacc I'd want to make merchandise for them. I contacted the author only for the author to tell me they gave the right away the moment the company distributes their work hence they can't green light me. Which leave me to contacting the big distributor company in the hopes that I could make...
  4. J

    What’s the likelihood you’d get a response?

    @laquacc How long should I give it before I use my connect? (I'm using a free linkedin account) so I don't have endless connects. Should I leave some thoughtful comments while sharing for a month then ask for the connect?
  5. J

    What’s the likelihood you’d get a response?

    @laquacc I forgot to add that I'm like a teen, so I don't really have any people and my linkedin account is super new I have those "linkedin members" since I'm not connected to people. I think I can do the 1st like waiting for them to go online. But I'm not sure about the 2nd one since sharing...
  6. J

    What’s the likelihood you’d get a response?

    @angel7242 I retry typically after 3 days, but my work is that they might just see my comment and don't reply. (Like I'm not hoping a reply or anything in the first few times I leave a comment in their article) But I hope when I ask for the connect they'd at least reply. (And not go, who's the...
  7. J

    What’s the likelihood you’d get a response?

    @chirho77 How much is too many and is there a cut off point? (I'm guessing, it's still every 3 days but should I quit after a month) I kinda hesitant on moving quickly part as if they are in the same company wouldn't word get around that there's this dude looking for IP
  8. J

    What’s the likelihood you’d get a response?

    @chirho77 So I at first I thought of asking the author straight up for the IP in which they sadly can't as it turns out once the company publishes their work as an "original" they lose their distribution rights. So which lead me into hoping I'd go and ask some people in linkedin who are IP...
  9. J

    What’s the likelihood you’d get a response?

    @chirho77 But what happens if I'm asking for their intellectual property would the same thing apply or would I need to put more time in rapport first since I feel like if I ask for the IP and I get shot down asking for it the second time might be rough. Or at least I have the impression it would...
  10. J

    What’s the likelihood you’d get a response?

    @chirho77 Do you think at a certain point they must just ignore you or chuck you up as that one annoying guy. Is there some point in which you have to say like maybe a month and if no response then you just stop? (So likely 10 tries since 31 days) But then you could also state maybe your message...
  11. J

    What’s the likelihood you’d get a response?

    @dsx I mean I guess so, I would be dead by then. If I was immortal then no since I could wait it out. But I'm not so sure if this is even the right move, since the people I'm trying to connect to their first language isn't even English. So there might be a language barrier but I don't know...
  12. J

    What’s the likelihood you’d get a response?

    Assuming you go out and leave comments in the hopes that they’d response and “connect” to you in LinkedIn. What are your odds, how long do you guys do it for until you move on? Is it some cold email one and done or after 3 days comment again? (This is assuming your comment isn’t something...