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  1. R

    I spent US$50 on Reddit Advertising as an experiment

    @eyrion Have you tested the same AD on Meta before going to Reddit? Because there's no better place than advertising first on Meta, then going to others, not just because of the target audience, but as well to see if your AD really works or not. Also, depending on your SaaS, is it for customers...
  2. R

    Is it possible?

    @hedowns I have a clause and I am still building my business up, once I am ready I will leave the day job.
  3. R

    Beware of - " I will build your SaaS for x amount " scam

    @wdub I did see this coming from the uprising of these threads.
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    Rejected, Fintech, over U$100k MRR, started 11 months ago. 3 strong co-founders, 2 recommendations from ex-YC’s

    @anwen Contact private seed/early stage investors in your market via LinkedIn 👌✌️ From Portugal here
  5. R

    Your experience with 🍃

    @deecruz I work 20 hours per week after my normal work as well my technical co-founders, so I would suggest you to quit the weed.
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    Struggling with pricing: Please help

    @andywilliams I think one of the questions you gonna think is if you want your SaaS for B2B or B2C, or both. Secondly asking the people who inserted their email with a Google questions link with few questions for pricing like openai did with chatgpt, and provide one tier for free with...