Beware of - " I will build your SaaS for x amount " scam

@wdub A good developer will never post here about building SaaS for X amount. It's either a scam or it will be the poorest quality you'll ever see. You can't build a SaaS for 500$. Even building an MVP sounds impossible for me. The average JUNIOR software developer hourly rate is something from $35 to $45. Can you imagine building a product in less than 20 hours? :D
@informant You completely ignored that devs aren't being paid the same wage all over the world.

I'm from Kenya, have around 4 yoe mostly in backend and my recent salary was ~2500usd per month. You might not believe it but that amount is in the top percentile of earners here barring Microsoft, (Google and Amazon who recently started hiring locally).

That is 30k USD yearly and ~15 dollar an hour. That's the same amount I work with in my freelance gigs in Upwork.

Even Microsoft does not break the bank here, they pay significantly lower than European Devs who are in turn paid lower than American Devs.

It all ends up being the client's choice really. Just do some extra vetting, and build a personal relationship via video calls, etc or move to a marketplace like Upwork.
@informant I am a really good developer and I can build for that money. ( I am just doing it because to get clients.) so many Indian guys like me do it just to get your foot on the door
@genjesus I just can't understand why you are charging that money if you are a good developer. I am from a third tier country as well but that doesn't mean that I should charge 10x less.

I mean I had times when I've built products for 200-300$ but it was not even close to SaaS. Building small bots for eg is one thing and working on this is completely different.

First and foremost, it's essential to recognize the worth of your own work. The price you charge should be a reflection of your skills, experience, and the quality of your services.
@informant I agree. I have told many developers.. charge more, thrn you can earn more. Respect the craft and don't try to beat someone on price. It makes it a commodity.. you don't see doctors or rocket engineers charging 10$ an hour so they get their foot in the door..

what happens when you get yiur fokt in the door for 10$.? Are you going to increase next month to 100$? They wikl just replace you with the next 10$ foot.... but if we all averaged 80$/hour then you are selected on skills and you get longer terms with the client.
@wdub I just checked out his profile, and it looks like he's attracting a lot of interest for collaboration. However, if he's not as trustworthy as you suggest, there's a risk of people being scammed. In my opinion, the safest approach to online work is to initially use a freelancing website. Once you've established a solid relationship with the person, you can then consider moving your interactions offline and discuss advance payments.
@youngwidow He likely has already exit scammed, I tried to make it known to the sub as soon as possible that he will disappear since he made another post charging $1k in an attempt to get more people to pay him. So if any of you see "Ardiit" on discord/elsewhere don't engage

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