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  1. V

    “Build first launch later” or “Launch first build later”?

    @devin_rogers54 Mismanagement for sure. Oh we had customers. Just no real tech product. The MVP is still in the exact same state as I left the startup 2 years ago, 80% done. The CEO is still to this date running around and trying to acquire customers, and when he raise a bit of funding he...
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    “Build first launch later” or “Launch first build later”?

    @devin_rogers54 PHP and rails are back-end languages. React is a frontend. You are comparing apple and oranges.
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    “Build first launch later” or “Launch first build later”?

    @devin_rogers54 Well, without react or any other frontend language I can't build the MVP. The thing I'm building can't be build with no-code tools. Believe me, I'm quite familiar with no-code tools on what they can do and can't do.
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    “Build first launch later” or “Launch first build later”?

    @devin_rogers54 It’s just how long it takes to build it in React with the minimal features set.
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    “Build first launch later” or “Launch first build later”?

    @ericro Yeah same, I currently building an MVP (just frontend as it the main part of my MVP) spending 15-18 hours weekly of my free time. I initially thought it would take 7-8 to build that out, but here I am 6 months in, and I'm pretty much only halfway. So it looks like it's going to take more...
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    “Build first launch later” or “Launch first build later”?

    @ericro I was part of start that had "launch first build later" approach. Here 6 years after the MVP still haven't l been fully build, and the CEO is still travelling and trying to get customers into a his vision. Not speaking about when we did manage raise money, the money were spent of sales...
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    Resources for Founders at Every Stage

    @jiyubyodo Yeah, thank you for the work. Really appreciated. Can I suggest “the lean startup playbook” by Dan Olsen. it turns the lean startup into practical actions and apply it. I see the lean start-up mores like a “product philosophy book” and lean startup playbook as “how to apply it book”
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    Where is the best place to find a co-founder?

    @straightshooter_0 It's working pretty well actually. I started getting into coding around 2020. I have a mixed computer science / product design degree, but it was all dusty. The more I get into coding, the more I enjoy it. I'm working on building my idea. I got a little feedback on my Figma...
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    Where is the best place to find a co-founder?

    @anaki247 This is the reason I started to learn coding some years back. You are not dependent on a technical co-founder, and you can spin out new products with little cost. It is also easier to get a technical co-founder onboard if you know how to code yourself and can share the burden. The...