Where is the best place to find a co-founder?


New member

I’m looking for a technical co-founder for a SaaS product I am developing within the Education/AI space.

I’ve finalised the business plan, competition analysis and have started Commerical conversations. I know what the product needs to do, how we can improve on competition and how to make money from it.

Reasons for wanting a co-founder
- I’ve had a startup before (Software Consultancy, scaled to 6-figures within 2 years) and it was a lovely road. Would like someone to come along for the journey.
- I’m not technical so having someone own the side of the business would be very advantageous

Where is the best place to find co-founders?

I’ve applied to Y Combinator Startup School which has a Co-Founder matching.

If anyone is interested in finding out a bit more about the idea, shoot me a message.

Thanks in advance

EDIT - Forgot to say, I’m based in the UK :)
@lo1337 Really hard unless your idea is killer and you bring a lot to the table. All developers are slammed with build my idea for free offers.
@anaki247 This is the reason I started to learn coding some years back. You are not dependent on a technical co-founder, and you can spin out new products with little cost. It is also easier to get a technical co-founder onboard if you know how to code yourself and can share the burden. The worst case if my startup dream doesn't pan out is that I become a software developer.
@straightshooter_0 It's working pretty well actually. I started getting into coding around 2020. I have a mixed computer science / product design degree, but it was all dusty.

The more I get into coding, the more I enjoy it. I'm working on building my idea. I got a little feedback on my Figma designs, but not enough to know if there is a market for it, yet. But is not so important to me. I just focus on building an MVP, so I can get quality feedback on that. Even if my idea fails, I will have gained coding skills that I can use for future startup ideas. That alone is worth it for me.

Things went slow in the start, but when I started getting better at coding while building. I have noticed that I am working much faster than when I started. Another good tip is to make use of ChatGPT, it can fill some of the gaps in your coding knowledge. E.g. asking why you get this error message, can give you a 90-95% answer. Helped me get unstuck a lot of times, which is helpful when you don't have a senior mentor.

Right now, I'm just focusing on building the front end as I can get feedback on the type of application I'm building. I have taken courses in Backend and know the concepts, but I'm not 100% drilled into that yet. But that is something that comes when I build the backend.

I probably plan to build my MVP over the next 1,5-2 years in my free time and build up a war chest with my savings. Then afterwards quit my job and tried to go full-time with it. Possibly even freelance with coding and design (I'm a product designer) to keep the war chest going for longer.

I would say even if you "just" learned the front end. You seem much more attractive to a technical co-founder than just being an idea guy. And then you can always expand into backend later.
@vaninha_cris Our stories are so much similar, even the time we started learning coding.

I started learning back in 2019

Would you mind If I sent you a PM?
@lo1337 You started a software consultancy firm and are struggling to find a software developer? Shouldn’t your circle be like…. Full of people who already know how amazing you are.
@lo1337 So far these choices have not worked for me:
  • close childhood friend (we're still friends though)
  • contracting client who proposed a startup idea
These were separate startups but neither really worked out well (although one is still going and I now am the sole owner -- that has been fine and I am going to scale it up once I step back from contracting work). I'm the technical cofounder.

In your situation, you have two problems in my eyes:
  • targetting education space which often doesn't have money or to get the money requires expensive sales process based on relationships that makes breaking in as a startup difficult
  • non-technical cofounder -- ideas are easy, implementation is difficult, what do you bring?
You should learn how to program and try doing a basic pass on it so you start to get some idea of what is involved. Say it takes N time to decide on how something should work in your project. It is going to take about 10-20N to actually implement it. Along the way, if your process to determine what is being implemented is sketchy, it'll increase that multiple as things are changed. You can do it faster but it'll create technical debt which will slow you down later (sometimes a necessary trade off).

How far can you get without a technical cofounder? Try to go that far. There are an awful lot of non-programmer dev tools these days. If you can mock together what you want to make and then show it to a potential customer and get feedback you're getting somewhere... You might find that what you want to make doesn't have product market fit before you start put time into actually developing the product you would ship.

Oh, and if you try the "how far can you go without a programmer" consider this:
  • don't worry at all about logins and parts around the app
  • focus solely on the unique value you would be creating and have it demoable on the screen
  • it doesn't have to actually work very well -- it just needs to be implemented enough so you can show something you can interact with on the screen -- you can fake out parts of the process (which happens anyway in demos, right?)
Then you can sit meet with potential customers and get feedback. Record the sessions so you can share with later potential technical cofounder. More is better -- you want at least a handful of separate meetings. Try to get actual commitments to buy -- can you? If not, why not? It's difficult for something that doesn't exist but people are notorious for saying they want something and then when the time comes to actually pay for it, it turns out they aren't the ones that can make that decision or some other aspect of the sales process makes the whole idea non-viable.

You can also split the sales process out from the above and make a marketing site with fake screenshots. Then you can try to actually sell the something that doesn't exist yet and see if you can get any actual interest. Not sure about laws in the UK but obviously don't commit fraud -- you have to have some way of "cooling" the deal as you get close to the sale (perhaps explaining some aspects are still in development and are targeted for some date in the future).

Point is, you really need to try to make sure the idea is viable up front. Most people try to avoid this as it's a lot of work. I did too. As a techie, I like the building process and it's easy to go off and build and then try to sell. But you can save an immense amount of time, effort and money by validating the idea as early as possible. There is much better material about this out there than what I can provide. But this is basically what I've learned so far over being cofounder in a couple of startups (but also working as a technical role in startups for my whole career).
@britliz01 Incredible answer, thank you.

I have actually spent the day building a website which shows the features, proposed price and allows you to “join the waitlist” for a discount at launch
@britliz01 Really solid advice buddy, thanks. A few questions from me please if you can help answer
  • For a potential D2C or B2C idea, how would you go about the stage of validating the idea without building? If you put a teaser site/page wouldn't you risk giving away the idea and potentially invite competition?
  • You mentioned there is much better material out there, any chance you have a list of recommended reads from that?
  • Any resources you would recommend for creating business plans and pitch decks?
For a potential D2C or B2C idea, how would you go about the stage of validating the idea without building?

I would build a marketing website using Webflow or something similar and then I would try to actually sell the product.

If you put a teaser site/page wouldn't you risk giving away the idea and potentially invite competition?

Your idea is basically worthless. Execution is the valuable part (and I don't mean just the technical part -- I mean the business building part too). If you build it, they will not come. You have to be able to sell it.

Note that if you don't buy into the "ideas are worthless" point you should consider that VCs will not sign any NDAs so basically if you're going the VC route, you're going to have to tell a lot of people your ideas (without any protection).

You mentioned there is much better material out there, any chance you have a list of recommended reads from that?

I'd start with https://www.amazon.com/Lean-Startup-Entrepreneurs-Continuous-Innovation/dp/0307887898 but honestly I'm not the best to answer this (like the other questions you asked -- better to ask others/google).

Any resources you would recommend for creating business plans and pitch decks?

I'd look strongly at those who have gone before as many have shared their pitch decks.
@florinee Hi buddy,

Your technical questions cough my attention after reading the comment above

I know I'm late to the party but how's things going with you? did you start something or still swimming around to catch an opportunity?
@florinee Yes of course,

I apologize if I came out of nowhere,

I just noticed from your comment that you have a mind for learning from others which I quite like

It's a skill I ignored in my early days which costed me a lot of time
@dog I do like to learn as much as I physically can, especially from others who have mastered their domain. Although not everyone likes to share their learnings freely. I have started in a full time role (senior management) and have become an advisor to company but in parallel I am working on detailing an app I want to build with a friend. I believe the opportunity is there and with our combined experience I am confident that we will also get the right product market fit. However we will need a solid go to market strategy and inroads to make partnerships with some established companies in our target market. It will be a B2C as well as a B2B2C value proposition but the scale will come from B2B2C. And thus I wonder if we will need to leave our full time jobs to pursue this seriously, something which neither of us can do.

I have been wondering if we should target Eastern EU or India even as soft launch because there is lower barrier to entry in these places. Especially in Eastern EU where you see companies like Bolt, Wolt etc thriving. But the challenge here is for the app to support regional languages and since neither of is from this background, I wonder how we will manage that.

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