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    So I started a branding and design agency for startups 2 days ago…

    @hugotaylor70 Yes we are thinking about a short video to introduce us. We wanted to do a one pager but there is no chance to fit our case studies. We need separate pages for that
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    So I started a branding and design agency for startups 2 days ago…

    @fire_fly We don’t have awful lot of projects to display yet. We are in the process of building our portfolio. I’m curious what would you consider a fair price for one of the bundles ?
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    So I started a branding and design agency for startups 2 days ago…

    @chrisdmeadows Thanks for your input. You make some valid points 🙏🏻
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    So I started a branding and design agency for startups 2 days ago…

    @jennifer301 Thanks for expanding on your point :)
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    So I started a branding and design agency for startups 2 days ago…

    @jennifer301 Thanks for your view on this. My co founder is a seasoned designer with over 10 years of experience working for a top creative agency. This is where the premium is from. I guess I need to point that out stronger to justify this price. Thanks !
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    So I started a branding and design agency for startups 2 days ago…

    @colt2233 Hey. There were similar comments to yours before and it makes me rethink the target. 100% correct this is not a value prop for very early stage projects / mvps . I think we need to focus on businesses that have validated in some way their idea and are looking now to scale it. I think...
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    So I started a branding and design agency for startups 2 days ago…

    @craigp Thanks ! Glad you like the design and valid points on the communication and social proof. Our idea was to “productize” the branding service. It’s a risky move in my opinion but a one we really want to test out.
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    So I started a branding and design agency for startups 2 days ago…

    @eukronos Thanks for the kind words🙏🏻
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    So I started a branding and design agency for startups 2 days ago…

    @childofgod84 Let’s hope that you are not right on the last comment ;) thank for taking the time to share your view!
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    So I started a branding and design agency for startups 2 days ago…

    @childofgod84 Thanks. I agree that this is not a solution to build an MVP. Professional branding is not a necessity. Based on our website what made you think this is a value prop for such early projects ? We want to go after startups who have validated their idea and are looking to scale it...
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    So I started a branding and design agency for startups 2 days ago…

    @nholman Thanks. Good point with the prices. I agree, it may be discouraging when prospects don’t know you. We definitely need to have a second look at the text to ensure there are no grammar mistakes etc thanks for taking your time to write this
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    So I started a branding and design agency for startups 2 days ago…

    @merleharlin Thanks! Good idea on the see full project, will definitely add it. Yes I am planning to add About section, good shout!
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    So I started a branding and design agency for startups 2 days ago…

    @jhfreeman Thanks for your insight on the pricing. Our reasoning was that transparent pricing will be an advantage. We wanted to “productize” the branding service so that the buying process is simple and fast. We acknowledge that we may be leaving money on the table but we are willing to give it...
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    So I started a branding and design agency for startups 2 days ago…

    @dxblorna Thank you! We will definately add more landing pages to put greater detail on selected services. Good shout!
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    So I started a branding and design agency for startups 2 days ago…

    @kandrew Thanks for feedback. I agree case studies could use more depth. Regarding your second point: our core business is designing brand identities for startups. All other services are complimentary to that. E.g.: once we have created your identity (logo, colors, communication style etc) we...
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    So I started a branding and design agency for startups 2 days ago…

    @gourmetcandy Great shout. About us page is in the work pipeline and good idea to add links
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    So I started a branding and design agency for startups 2 days ago…

    @rogerramjet I have nothing against free services to create a logo. If it serves your needs I am glad. Bare in mind though that branding is not just a logo, but a representation of it. Good luck with your business :)
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    So I started a branding and design agency for startups 2 days ago…

    @jonojim1337 We do in terms of our experience. The agency itself is new but my cofounder (who does all the design) has over 10 years of experience in branding and design
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    So I started a branding and design agency for startups 2 days ago…

    @reactcoder I think you will always find someone willing to do something cheaper while keeping the quality decent, it’s an open market economy after all. We definitely will invest time and effort into our own brand building to justify the premium. Thanks for your input 🙏🏻
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    So I started a branding and design agency for startups 2 days ago…

    @sparrowseagle You could also use an online logo generator for free 😂