So I started a branding and design agency for startups 2 days ago…

@taryn12 The site is ok but the value prop and key differentiator aren’t clear. It seems like a faceless agency, the call to action isn’t very compelling.

Who is your customer?

Why would the customer spend $000’s on your service and not prove out with a Fiverr engagement?

What is your lead gen strategy if not cold calls/hitting the pavement?

What are your goals for the start up?

Who are you as an agency and what can you offer that Fiverr/AI etc can’t?

What are the credentials of the creative designer?
Has she worked for firms in your target customer space?

What does the discovery process look/feel like?

Once you have these answered go back and review the copy. Make it punchy and see how many of the above messages are answered.

Good luck!
@taryn12 Have you looked at your website on a desktop? There’s loads of vertical space on chrome. It’s ok on mobile. (Apart from not really showcasing any design abilities, which is what you should be doing)
@taryn12 Powerful brand. Your customers will consider you many times as btw goes. Its one of those brands you cant get off your mind because of a powerful name and logo.

Can i intern with you guys as a branding adviser or analyst, drawing amazing insight and learning to interpret even better.

It would be nice to be paid a small fee on top of the stipend the company im with is paying but it can be for free. But theres just a form to sign (an SLA) to say youll be my host and maybe future employer.
@taryn12 Your site is copy text heavy, for a creative agency you should be able to say less and impress more.

Bundles are high I don’t see random clients clicking on these prices
@fire_fly We don’t have awful lot of projects to display yet. We are in the process of building our portfolio. I’m curious what would you consider a fair price for one of the bundles ?
@taryn12 Basic 499 you can reduce the scope
That should get you some volume business don’t forget that many websites, offering cheap designs or designs for cheap prices. If you’re aiming to work with direct clients, I would recommend that you remove the prices from your website
@taryn12 If you don’t know her already, I would recommend taking a look at Latasha James on YT. She shares a lot of good information that could be valuable for your goals and she practices what she preaches.
@taryn12 I think the home page could be shorter, with a video presentation on top. If it was me i would turn the whole website in a one pager. I would also remove the pricing but keep the bundle description.
@hugotaylor70 Yes we are thinking about a short video to introduce us. We wanted to do a one pager but there is no chance to fit our case studies. We need separate pages for that