So I started a branding and design agency for startups 2 days ago…

@taryn12 Maybe this is a minor detail, but it wasn’t obvious to me that you could click on each logo/project and see a full overview of the project. Maybe add a button that says “See Full Project”. Once I saw those, it adds a lot more credibility to the site.

Also, it’s missing an About section. Customers are buying and investing in the team more than anything. Bios and pictures/avatars probably would help.
@taryn12 It’s a great start but I would agree with previous comments about not displaying prices. You’re more likely to make the sale if price comes up after they’ve talked to you and you’ve had a chance to sell yourselves. I’m also not a huge fan of the randomly italicized letters in some of the headings but that could be a personal preference. Finally, there should be a comma after the word “unique” where is says “unique like you”. Grammatical things like that are sometimes a deal breaker for me, but again many may not notice or care.
@nholman Thanks. Good point with the prices. I agree, it may be discouraging when prospects don’t know you. We definitely need to have a second look at the text to ensure there are no grammar mistakes etc thanks for taking your time to write this
@taryn12 I’ve helped launch multiple startups. Design is not a top priority for the fast fail model - hence the money you’re asking is ludicrous.

Fivver is used for a minimal viable product (not to mention AI can now make a kick ass logo), so your business model is about three months from collapsing (or however long you can convince yourself that you’re a “startup” brand).
@childofgod84 Thanks. I agree that this is not a solution to build an MVP. Professional branding is not a necessity. Based on our website what made you think this is a value prop for such early projects ? We want to go after startups who have validated their idea and are looking to scale it. Here professional branding is defiantly a value adding asset.
@taryn12 “Big brand experience brought to startups” (then language about scaling in smaller font).

Either you’re a startup or you’ve proven your MVP and you’re scaling. If that’s you’re customer, your language should be about being a “rockstar” or a “unicorn” - basically a breakout success. “Startup” has a different connotation.

However, this pricing for what you’re offering is too low for a reputable design firm, and too high for actual startups - not to mention either can just hire a decent marketer that knows their way around AI now.

I’m sorry, but I think your model is inherently flawed, if not too late to market.
@taryn12 The site is pretty well built and if you can get this out in the open more and get it publicized I feel like it has the potential to take off. Well done.
@taryn12 Excellent visual design on the website. Nice fonts and colors, but the copy needs work. Shift the primary messaging to be customer-centric instead of company-centric.

Also, a small agency that’s “built by founders” doesn’t really mean anything. Is the messaging that the agency is “for founders” or for “brands”? Focus here should be on the startup’s brand.

Additionally, add some photos of the team and provide some credentials to assure the audience. This will humanize the site a bit.

Along the same lines, add some social proof, not just work samples. Case studies are even better. Since, presumably, your customers are buying a whole branding package, not just a logo design.

Lastly, I disagree with some of the other comments about hiding prices. I’m glad you have them up front. It disqualifies a bad fit audience and saves you time. It also positions the agency as better than hiring a rando from Fiverr. Plus, folding in some marketing management can turn these project customers into recurring revenue, which is where they can be more lucrative.

Hope that helps and best of luck!
@craigp Thanks ! Glad you like the design and valid points on the communication and social proof. Our idea was to “productize” the branding service. It’s a risky move in my opinion but a one we really want to test out.
@taryn12 I think it’s a smart move. I worked for a digital marketing agency that was moving to productizing websites and logo design. It made the sales process much faster.
@taryn12 Who is your customer?

The site says built by founders for founders but I’m wondering who would fit your product and price?

As a founder myself, at the very early stage I would probably go with canva or fiverr or just make up something myself. My initial problem is finding a problem that people will pay to have solved.

This branding service sounds more like a ready to scale problem. So what does a founder at this point need? Maybe analytics to show which brands work, or whether the chosen brand is landing? Money back if it doesn’t scale X well? I’m not sure.

Whatever need you are meeting, I wonder if this is clear enough. It certainly isn’t a good fit for all founders at all stages.

Hope this helps, these really do look like nice designs. I’m just not sure who you are targeting or how this is any different from just doing your job as a freelancer
@colt2233 Hey. There were similar comments to yours before and it makes me rethink the target. 100% correct this is not a value prop for very early stage projects / mvps . I think we need to focus on businesses that have validated in some way their idea and are looking now to scale it. I think this is where professional image creates via branding makes sense.
@taryn12 You're trying to promote something you have yet to master, yourself. No business starts with their profits way up there in the top. Build your brand with decent prices before trying to charge 10x the amount of someone just as good. The best website in the world can't sell a $20 product for $200
@jennifer301 Thanks for your view on this. My co founder is a seasoned designer with over 10 years of experience working for a top creative agency. This is where the premium is from. I guess I need to point that out stronger to justify this price. Thanks !
@taryn12 I didn't mean in the industry in general. I meant being at the top of a company in your industry. Your service may be the best there is, but if no one is paying for it, it's not the best. Start at a more reasonable/affordable rate, build up a reputation, then your prices can reflect your experience that's been developed working for others!

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