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    Escape Team – a printable, interactive pen&paper escape game

    @rashpal It looks like a cool fun game. The presentation on your website could use a lot of polish. Why did you decide to make it a thing where people have to print it out? If you invest in decent design, print it out and put it in a box, you could sell it on Amazon for $10-15. If they want...
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    Skyresponse - Cloud platform for intelligent alarm management // ROAST US

    @yulsteve I see lawyers drooling
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    Pop Up Drive In Theatres

    @steve109 I had that under b) but yea. Its for sure a thing. A lot of distributors would refuse to work with you so you probably would not be able to run new AA titles.
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    Toothpaste Idea

    @bigcheese No problem, but again, I don't see value in local sourcing. If anything that limits your market. You can't sell it in both Arizona and Washington as locally sourced. As for the no fluoride value proposition, that probably because it has appeal for a lot of weirdos. You know how there...
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    Why doesn’t this software already exist?

    @lirpa74 OP could get business from drug dealers and hit men also. :)
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    Pop Up Drive In Theatres

    @rubiesandpearls Good to know. I'm also not sure what you would construct the screen from. Most people don't know this but we get hurricane like winds in So Cal sometimes. A screen would need to be super strong.
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    Toothpaste Idea

    @bigcheese It's doable, but it's not easy by any stretch of the imagination. I don't understand why anyone would care about the source locally thing for toothpaste. It sits on your shelf for months. In my mind this is a non issue for nearly everyone. It's not fresh food we're talking about. I...
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    Pop Up Drive In Theatres

    I'm actually surprised there aren't more of these. I only know of one in Southern California. Maybe there are more that I just don't know about. But like most business ideas, it seems easy until you start breaking down the ancillary requirements. Although here in So Cal, I kind of understand...
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    Roast my eCommerce website!

    @hasanswers If there is a reason you are misspelling Magical on purpose, I don't see what that is. "Craft your magickal life" is positioned as your value proposition. Then you have 3 calls to action. The background videos don't seem to represent a problem you are trying to solve for the...
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    Bring it on people, roast us to a crisp

    @jennygeddes The website is horrendous.
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    Bring it on people, roast us to a crisp

    @jennygeddes The website is really really bad. But this sub is not called roast my website. There's nothing wrong with home inspections as a business. I don't know how the market is in India, but in the US it's dominated by solopreneurs because there is a low barrier to entry and is difficult...
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    X0PA Ai - Maximising objectivity in hiring

    @ros1114 As long as it calculates which candidate has the biggest tits.
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    Grancoin - The asset with a soul

    @professor The biggest problems with cryptocurrency are stability and liquidity. Valuation of cryptocurrency can possibly be manipulated or even if not is volatile. The mechanics of any one or the other are not clear. There is no standard. Nobody with any brains is ever going to invest any...
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    Grancoin - The asset with a soul

    @professor Is it though? I'm not so sure. Bitcoin has been around for nearly a decade and it never really found it's way into mainstream. This is because there are serious problems with virtual currency that make it unlikely to enter the mainstream any time soon. But that's a whole separate...
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    Grancoin - The asset with a soul

    @professor It sounds like you want to attack me because you think I disagree with planting trees. This is not true. I love trees. I am talking about your business model. If you call it a business? It makes no sense. It will not help your goal to plant trees. Nobody gives a shit about virtual...
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    Grancoin - The asset with a soul

    @professor Hahaha. ok. If you think this is going to work with the presentation you have now, you're the dumbass.
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    Grancoin - The asset with a soul

    @professor Way too complicated.
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    Go and call. Connect the internet to your phone number

    @theflower You are super quick to answer my objection based on assumptions rather than taking 2 minutes to look it up. And you didnt say why I need your product. Never mind the product. This is a red flag on you. Its just lazy. You must think I am the only one who would ask this stuff. You...
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    Go and call. Connect the internet to your phone number

    @theflower What's wrong with Google Voice, which is free? You have a lot of words here about what it does. Nothing about what it can do for me or why I need it. Your website is even more vague except that you charge money for it.
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    Roast my Video Editing Startup

    @sofia555 This is true, DVDs are going to continue to decline. But there is a problem with storing files digitally. Maybe DVDs aren't quite the answer, but the problem is mainly organization and access. It's very difficult and time consuming to organize your files in such a way that they will...