Escape Team – a printable, interactive pen&paper escape game


New member
The product: Escape Team

The market: Live escape rooms are popular, board game escape rooms are also getting traction. Pure mobile games tend to isolate people, as does VR/AR. Real-life co-op gaming is a lot of fun.

Product analysis People will have to print the material themselves – that might be a barrier for some users.

Stage:? We launched on Saturday (#1 Product of the Day on Product Hunt)

Customer conversion strategy: Training Mission and Mission 1 are free, missions 2-5 are $0.99 in-app purchases.

Why we? We're married and good at these things :)
@rashpal It looks like a cool fun game. The presentation on your website could use a lot of polish.

Why did you decide to make it a thing where people have to print it out? If you invest in decent design, print it out and put it in a box, you could sell it on Amazon for $10-15.
If they want additional missions they could print those out themselves for $.99 each or whatever.
This strategy would accomplish three things. One is it should generate a little extra cash. Two is that you can reach a much larger user base. Three is if it comes in a box and printed nicely, this is a trust indicator and adds a ton of perceived value to the game vs printing it themselves at home.

That's just my gut feeling on it.

Good luck
@rashpal Did you perform any research, apart from desk research, that validates that there is in fact a target audience for this product?

Have you thought about working together with schools/educational platforms to implement this form of playing? It could easily be adapted to become an interactive educational piece.
@jackmanali We did a Beta test – 1200 sign-ups within 24 hours after a Reddit post. We were pretty much overrun ;-)

Turning it into (or creating a spin-off) for classrooms is something that we actually received emails about. It's a good idea. The current version (the puzzles, especially) works best for groups of 2-4 people, but larger groups would also be a really nice thing to look into!

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