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  1. J

    TIP : After failing for years, I did it. My store is 8 days old w/ $15,982.85 in sales & a 62.57% profit margin

    @triumphant8891 I’m keeping my niche / store private. There are a lot of sharks out there and smart people on these subreddits : )
  2. J

    TIP : After failing for years, I did it. My store is 8 days old w/ $15,982.85 in sales & a 62.57% profit margin

    @adotiln Very minimal outside of the inventory. My initial order was $10k It didn’t feel risky though since I spoke to so many people who already told me they wanted to buy
  3. J

    TIP : After failing for years, I did it. My store is 8 days old w/ $15,982.85 in sales & a 62.57% profit margin

    @adotiln 1) I plugged my competitors into ImportYeti. They all pretty much used the same factory. 2) The customizations were very simple and functional. E.x. I changed the grip pattern 3) There were some small setup fees. 4) Its important to note I learned how these were made first. Some...
  4. J

    After failing for years, I did it. My store is 9 days old w/ $18,631.19 in sales & a 62.57% profit margin

    @woody77 I don't know : ( I wasn't aware it wasn't for everyone
  5. J

    TIP : After failing for years, I did it. My store is 8 days old w/ $15,982.85 in sales & a 62.57% profit margin

    @jlottering Yes. I think WooCommerce ends up costing money though if you get the plugins required to make it work
  6. J

    TIP : After failing for years, I did it. My store is 8 days old w/ $15,982.85 in sales & a 62.57% profit margin

    @jlottering I don’t think it really matters which one you choose. The point of my post is telling you not to get wrapped up in those things. I did choose Shopify. Woocommerce is epic though
  7. J

    After failing for years, I did it. My store is 9 days old w/ $18,631.19 in sales & a 62.57% profit margin

    @rebeccascotland I'm keeping it private. Lots of sharks on these subreddits
  8. J

    TIP : After failing for years, I did it. My store is 8 days old w/ $15,982.85 in sales & a 62.57% profit margin

    @jillianforjesus It’s not the baby onesies that was a HORRIBLE failure I learned a lot from : ) I’m going to keep the product/niche private for right now
  9. J

    After failing for years, I did it. My store is 9 days old w/ $18,631.19 in sales & a 62.57% profit margin

    @clh72481 I don’t have any experience hiring people to help with things like this. I’d work on figuring out what isn’t working. E.x. Is it your product? Is it your marking? I think the struggle to find the solution is where the value is : )
  10. J

    TIP : After failing for years, I did it. My store is 8 days old w/ $15,982.85 in sales & a 62.57% profit margin

    @annonymous1448 Right now, I’m spending 100% of my time trying to cement myself as a figure head in the communities relevant to my niche. Next step is working on my social media. I might test out some paid ads on FB / IG after that
  11. J

    TIP : After failing for years, I did it. My store is 8 days old w/ $15,982.85 in sales & a 62.57% profit margin

    @613jono I really appreciate the kind words. There is so little positivity going around these days : ) I’m happy it resonated as well. Would a reddit chat work? In regards to what?
  12. J

    After failing for years, I did it. My store is 9 days old w/ $18,631.19 in sales & a 62.57% profit margin

    @angeluna No. I couldn’t get a utility patent. I didn’t innovate enough. A design patent wouldn’t really protect against anything other than somebody trying to EXACTLY copy me. I do have a trademark though for my brand name
  13. J

    After failing for years, I did it. My store is 9 days old w/ $18,631.19 in sales & a 62.57% profit margin

    @alex0909 I guess I consider non-get rich quick Econ stores based on sweaty startup marketing tactics kind of sweaty : )
  14. J

    TIP : After failing for years, I did it. My store is 8 days old w/ $15,982.85 in sales & a 62.57% profit margin

    @jacobsonofjohn I didn’t protect myself but I don’t think the average person has the talent or desire to steal my idea in the niche. It’s a bit of a different situation though if your sharing it with people on a Shopify subreddit
  15. J

    After failing for years, I did it. My store is 9 days old w/ $18,631.19 in sales & a 62.57% profit margin

    @newmove I guess I consider eCom where you ship and store your own product, don’t have a get rich quick type of mindset and rely on sweaty marketing tactics kind do sweaty
  16. J

    TIP : After failing for years, I did it. My store is 8 days old w/ $15,982.85 in sales & a 62.57% profit margin

    It's hard to put in words how I feel right now. It elation + optimism for the future + the world being more colorful. If I could turn this feeling into a pill, I'd be the #1 store on Shopify. It's like I have a new life. I don't know if I got lucky or it was persistence. Here are the things I...