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  1. K

    How can I stop my failing small biz from making me depressed all the time?

    @seeingeyes Thank you! I really just want to try and focus on Christmas with my family and regroup in the new year with my business. Hoping the year finishes strong too but I don’t want to continually stress about next steps right now
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    How can I stop my failing small biz from making me depressed all the time?

    @bndx Yes I keep telling myself if you can keep going when things are hurt, the economy is in a downturn think of how well that will pay off in the future. But I do mope a little that I didn’t have the entrepreneurial spirit during covid when everyone seemed to be a success story. I passionate...
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    How can I stop my failing small biz from making me depressed all the time?

    @jcon1150 I do put in those hours pretty consistently. There are definitely weeks I put more into my family and home life but yeh I’m putting 20-30 hours into it minimum typically. And yes I do/was getting frustrated when I realized everything I had to do and wanted to get it all done at once...
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    How can I stop my failing small biz from making me depressed all the time?

    @buckeye_momof4 I sell baby products mostly but some children’s items as well. I’ll try and dm you and show you a couple of my photos. I have a full body dslr canon 5d mark ii I bought from a photog friend a few year ago. I have a couple spendy lenses as well. Worked great for my outdoor stuff...
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    How can I stop my failing small biz from making me depressed all the time?

    @buckeye_momof4 Yes I 100% agree. I very much need a marketing strategy. The issue with that is information overload. When I look into marketing I get so overwhelmed with where to start. I’m trying to do more social media, I’m trying to do more Pinterest, I got halfway through setting up a...
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    How can I stop my failing small biz from making me depressed all the time?

    @613jono Thanks for the advice but it’s only 6k. I’m not going to ruin my excellent credit over that. I can find other means or transfer the balance until I can make money.
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    How can I stop my failing small biz from making me depressed all the time?

    @pinkey123 Yes I barely get any views is a big problem.
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    How can I stop my failing small biz from making me depressed all the time?

    @ruthofzion Yes I niched myself much smaller than I wanted too. I wanted to do gift boxes for all ages but when I was doing inventory I just hyper focused on baby stuff and spent all the money I had allotted on baby items so I said eh I guess that’s what I’m doing now
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    How can I stop my failing small biz from making me depressed all the time?

    @pinkey123 I am not doing marketing and I know I need to. I have a Shopify and sell on Etsy. I only wanted to sell on Etsy but I wasn’t getting the traffic I thought I would ( I sold other items on Etsy in a much more competitive market and made more sales/money) so I thought this would be...
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    How can I stop my failing small biz from making me depressed all the time?

    @ruthofzion Thanks so much for the suggestions. I sell baby and children’s items. I originally wanted to only do gift boxes and to do them for all ages. But I kind of niched myself into babies with the money I spent on the items. And then when the boxes weren’t selling I thought, okay I need to...
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    How can I stop my failing small biz from making me depressed all the time?

    @steve7150 Thank you so much for the helpful tips. I definitely think it’s a case of expectation vs reality. I studied competitors including the amount of sales they were making and their margins and thought it would be easy to at the very least make my money back if not more than that. However...
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    How can I stop my failing small biz from making me depressed all the time?

    @marcyhoney This is super great advice! I will definitely be reading those books. And I will say that the whole reason I wanted to be on e-commerce is I really didn’t want to have to solicit myself locally but I’ve changed my tune to that recently and realize even though it’s a smaller market...
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    How can I stop my failing small biz from making me depressed all the time?

    @rivensoul Yes the wasting two days taking photos is only one example. I’ve actually wasted a lot more time than that just with photos but on separate occasions. I do sell on Etsy but also have my own website. I tried to get on tik tok shop as well but my items are restricted and no matter where...
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    How can I stop my failing small biz from making me depressed all the time?

    @lizabetta I definitely agree. My whole goal was to sell enough on Etsy for it to be a fun side hustle. But now that it’s not selling and I have all this inventory I’m having to extend myself way beyond what I originally wanted to do. And I’m okay with that. It’s all a learning experience. And I...
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    How can I stop my failing small biz from making me depressed all the time?

    @primsroses That is one thing I very much struggle with due to information overload and not knowing where to start. There are just so many options and I know that there’s not one right option but that almost makes it harder for me. I would LOVE guidance in that regard. I’m always trying to find...
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    How can I stop my failing small biz from making me depressed all the time?

    @613jono I’m not taking money out of investments to put into business. It would be to cover the 6k credit card debt. But i don’t plan on doing that either.
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    How can I stop my failing small biz from making me depressed all the time?

    @msgltl4e For sure. I refuse to do that. Worst case scenario I would transfer the debt to a different credit card and then get a job to pay it off. But Luckily it’s not the case that I’m going to put my family in jeopardy. We have money in investments that we could take out if absolutely...
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    How can I stop my failing small biz from making me depressed all the time?

    @primsroses Yes 9 months is for sure a small amount of time in the grand scheme of things but I thought I would at least be getting organic sales to my Etsy if I did all the right things and I’m not. I have a children’s e-commerce store Also I’m not sure my feelings are a choice. I actively try...
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    How can I stop my failing small biz from making me depressed all the time?

    @deerlane Totally get that and that is why I was pricing myself higher but I wasn’t getting sales that way either lol. Also I have a 4.9 for reviews. And going against that line of thinking - recently in my due date group a mom posted a “deal” of where those super trendy hand embroidered...
  20. K

    How can I stop my failing small biz from making me depressed all the time?

    Okay I think the 2 things that are really getting to me lately is that 1. I have been running 50% off sales and I feel like if I can’t make sales during this time of the year, then I truly am a failure. 2. I have a 0%apr credit card that goes back to having interest in January and I still have...