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    Where is the best place to find a co-founder?

    @coppenhagen Yes indeed, as long as they're not too close, I can feel the bitterness in the words man
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    Where is the best place to find a co-founder?

    @alexpan Have you tried working with a co-founder? could you share the good memories of it if so? Cause my experience was a one hell of a nightmare
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    Where is the best place to find a co-founder?

    @alexpan As a follow technical dude, I totally agree The only time I got a cofounder was when I wasn't looking for one, the irony right? I am starting to think that maybe the whole thing about needing a cofounder is actually due to bad business management plan What do you think?
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    Where is the best place to find a co-founder?

    @ccmission I would say no, nothing had gone to waste, at least nothing 'significant' 2 months is really short amount of time, you got off the hook early I've found from my experience in hiring that things like '7 years of experience' are as red flag as it can get
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    Where is the best place to find a co-founder?

    @ccmission How's things still going now? looking from retrospect do you still think it was a good idea?
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    Where is the best place to find a co-founder?

    @24korange Thanks for articulating what have been in my mind but couldn't say it Cause I met my first cofounder through the business I was working on at that time, I never bough into the cofounder dating And also because of how competent my cofounder was in talking, and almost incompetent in...
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    Where is the best place to find a co-founder?

    @jojothebeloved Lucky you I grow up in a region where a 'Job' is the idea everyone is sold on, starting a business was for fools, and "Only the rich succussed in business" Long story short, everyone that bought into the Job idea got screwed
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    Where is the best place to find a co-founder?

    @peggys You story is really interesting, I would say your comment is also well crafted Have you worked as a marketer before? Anyway what I wanted to ask probably will come as a dumb question... after all the dating through YC, from the roughly 50 ppl, did you get an idea about what percentage...
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    Where is the best place to find a co-founder?

    @kkk That's what I thought, and is why I've landed on your comment So what have you done since, did you give up on trying to find a cofounder?
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    Where is the best place to find a co-founder?

    @goldenrule636 I would say yeah it's tough going alone, but at least there is a progress, not big but at least, the wheel is rolling But with a mismatched co-founder, I was moving backward in the negative, that left a really strong trauma. I don't know, maybe I'm the problem, how was your...
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    Where is the best place to find a co-founder?

    @goldenrule636 Yeah you're right, that's on me In regards to the subject, I'm now thinking that "the need" for a co-founder is actually more of a symptom of a bad business plan than it's an actual need of a co-founder? I don't know, I'm interested to hear your thoughts
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    Where is the best place to find a co-founder?

    @goldenrule636 I don't know about that, when I was at my a good point in a venture I started some years ago I was skeptical of anyone that approaches me first
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    Where is the best place to find a co-founder?

    @florinee Yes of course, I apologize if I came out of nowhere, I just noticed from your comment that you have a mind for learning from others which I quite like It's a skill I ignored in my early days which costed me a lot of time
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    Where is the best place to find a co-founder?

    @florinee Hi buddy, Your technical questions cough my attention after reading the comment above I know I'm late to the party but how's things going with you? did you start something or still swimming around to catch an opportunity?
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    Where is the best place to find a co-founder?

    @vaninha_cris Our stories are so much similar, even the time we started learning coding. I started learning back in 2019 Would you mind If I sent you a PM?