Where is the best place to find a co-founder?

@lo1337 Explore academic publications, connect with authors, and build relationships. Share your business plan for constructive feedback. As you establish rapport, inquire if they are aware of anyone interested in collaborating on your project. Ideally, their enthusiasm may lead them to volunteer for the endeavor.
@lo1337 As a technical person involved in a few projects and having started a company a few months ago, it is challenging to find co-founders when seeking co-founders. First, It is hard to convince people to work on your ideas and to find a balance in involvement/compensation. I would recommend moving forward as much as possible on your project with no-code tools, showcasing what the project could do, getting involved with groups of people sharing similar interests, and, most importantly, trying to find people who would share ideas and think alike. Working on a sub-project together before discussing co-founding to validate and build a strong bond is important.
it is challenging to find co-founders when seeking co-founders.

As a follow technical dude, I totally agree

The only time I got a cofounder was when I wasn't looking for one, the irony right?

I am starting to think that maybe the whole thing about needing a cofounder is actually due to bad business management plan

What do you think?
@dog Having a cofounder should not be a rule. There situations and projects that can work solo. But if I have the choice I would prefer going with a cofounder. I see a few benefits working with someone else, like sharing and challenging ideas, skills, experience and sharing the effort.
@lo1337 My co-founder is someone I used to work with at a previous job. It's nice cause we know we get along, work well together, etc. I know that's not possible for everyone, but I think someone from your personal network is always a great choice as long as they're not too close

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