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    How do you deal with friends/ family who feel they are entitled to a discount?

    @tbplayer Yes. Agreed 100%. The old “I don’t think I really need a website so it’s not worth normal pricing to me” mindset.
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    How do you deal with friends/ family who feel they are entitled to a discount?

    @dmc0027 It’s a slippery slope. I do development and consulting and my approach to friends and family has always been that nothing is free. Tell me about your problems and I’ll give you high level advice, but I’m not writing a line of code without there being an agreed upon contract. Doing...
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    My family is considering a sale of our manufacturing business. How realistic is a successful sale?

    @teee Didn’t you post about this a number of weeks back? The story sounds familiar and I think back then you were still trying to convince your aunt to get an independent appraisal. Do you have an ownership stake today, and if so, what percentage? If you don’t own any of the business today then...
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    New LLC. Am I S corp or C corp?

    @cjthebaptist You are an LLC. You’re not any type of corp. You can elect to be taxed like an SCorp if you wish with the appropriate filings, but you registered an LLC, not a corporation.