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    Questions they asked me in my YC interview two years ago

    @tootie143 So are you going in for round 2 of YC?
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    Bank of America PPP seemingly approved!

    @bless2b Great news. Waiting on BoA as well.
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    “Build first launch later” or “Launch first build later”?

    @ericro I also agree with launch the network first. With a marketplace you need both customers and suppliers to start using it and a critical mass before even launching. Nobody will use any marketplace that has 0 suppliers and/or customers. You need to have hundred’s of them signed up before day...
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    I studied how Amplitude (YC W12) went from zero to IPO in 9 years at $5 billion valuation

    @alfie13 I think I will use this article for my Harvard MBA dissertation
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    “Build first launch later” or “Launch first build later”?

    @jesuschain Absolutely. You need preorders and commitments before you even have the website up