I studied how Amplitude (YC W12) went from zero to IPO in 9 years at $5 billion valuation

@alfie13 Great write up.

One other thing I'd note (that I learned in your write up) is that exploration via good software engineering, and timing was critical. If the founders weren't early adaptors to mobile, and had a problem with mobile metrics that they also solved themselves and saw the use case, this would have never happened.

Just a great example of how important it is to keep building!
@alfie13 As a fan and long time user of Amplitude, I appreciate this breakdown. I think they are one of the better software stories out there and have a fantastic product.
@timiboiy23 Haha glad you found this useful! I just stalked the hell out of amplitude, listened to podcasts, looked at financials, studied tweets etc. Spent over 50+ hours on this thing lol
@alfie13 Nice!

But first sentence is incorrect.

Amplitude was a $5 billion company during the biggest tech bubble since the early 2000s.

Now it’s down to $1.3B and declining steadily due to low growth rates and ongoing losses every quarter.
@alfie13 Amazing post. I have tried to build SaaS products as a solo entrepreneur for mostly 1.5 years. And I have failed and failed again. This post give me some great insights at this hard time. Thank you so much again!

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