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  1. M

    byline a vim tailwind CSS editor

    I've reached that point in this little passion project where I could use some feedback. I'm a long time vim user and a recent student of the tailwind css system. I wanted a few things: Never have to close a tag or type the word "class" or quotes. See an instant preview of what the rendered...
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    Ankle Bracelet Tracker for Kids of All Ages, Secure Ones, Need Key to Remove

    @bornagainbride Yeah putting something into their backpack will not work. It's got to be something they can't remove.
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    Ankle Bracelet Tracker for Kids of All Ages, Secure Ones, Need Key to Remove

    @bornagainbride No the whole idea is they cannot remove it themselves. Our three year old would. And he would also walk outside the park fence if not watched. It's not giving them incentive to not pay attention it's making it so they can focus on games and activities for those kids that want to...
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    Ankle Bracelet Tracker for Kids of All Ages, Secure Ones, Need Key to Remove

    @lopolik It's not like it says on them 24/7! It's just for a few hours at park then comes off.
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    Ankle Bracelet Tracker for Kids of All Ages, Secure Ones, Need Key to Remove

    @stellarnaut I know right!? Makes me want to open a day care business with these. You win against other centers because 1) no building rent cost there is no building! 2) you can move from park to park giving kids all sorts of new outdoor places to explore all day.
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    Ankle Bracelet Tracker for Kids of All Ages, Secure Ones, Need Key to Remove

    @gregoryzim No I’d be paying attention to him via technology
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    Ankle Bracelet Tracker for Kids of All Ages, Secure Ones, Need Key to Remove

    @danaport i think the idea would be to check in regularly with video and audio. The microphone could even detect if an adult voice has to talking to them for > N seconds. Eating something they shouldn't that's a hard one to stop but that's not something current parents can do at parks without...
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    Ankle Bracelet Tracker for Kids of All Ages, Secure Ones, Need Key to Remove

    @kneephite The device has a microphone and camera, we'd be checking on them all the time.
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    Ankle Bracelet Tracker for Kids of All Ages, Secure Ones, Need Key to Remove

    @kneephite I don't understand. Huge park, kids can run away. We have a 3 year old. We had to watch him constantly last time at park.
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    Ankle Bracelet Tracker for Kids of All Ages, Secure Ones, Need Key to Remove

    There are many kid trackers on the market, but none like the kind house arrest people get that cannot be removed without a key. Let's make a consumer version for parents. Use cases: Go to a park with your kid, set a GPS perimeter in the app and let him/her run free. Parents can relax not...
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    Employee internal video blogs: A big internal youtube

    @tailsstar Thanks, yes I do understand how ridiculous this idea is. (good news is lots of now successful startups sounded ridiculous at first too!)
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    Employee internal video blogs: A big internal youtube

    @tailsstar Thanks I had not heard of Loom. Looked it up. Wow their examples are all so business-y and screen sharing and zzzzz. I'm talking about employees doing "emo video blogging." No charts, no business stuff, just a human talking to the camera and sharing emotions. Since it's internal the...
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    Employee internal video blogs: A big internal youtube

    @newchristiangirl yeah but the culture is not to "over-share" - the vision is humans talking about their actual human issues. I agree there are a lot of enterprise video file sharing solutions, but I think it can be re-done in a game changing way.
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    Employee internal video blogs: A big internal youtube

    Let your employees get _anything_ off their chest. No editing, no filters, just record, speak, and post. Transcripts created, searchable. Forget the 1-on-1's, these are 1s to N. If you don't post once a day, you aren't "going to the office." Remote work that feels like you are connected...