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  1. J

    Advice for reapplication interview

    @bekahjayne What did you say in your new application that showed you made progress? It may be that which got you the interview. I would get the ideas down to one or two. Have you got any validation for a pivot? Or is it just an idea? Because at that point, I would hit the reset button and...
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    Lessons from 139 YC AI startups (S23)

    @yorklu Thanks for taking the time to write and share this. It’s a very insightful read. I have seen a few developments with Llama 2, where one shifted from being better than chat to being better than Claude based on your own information. I can’t really share much to compare, so it seemed kind...
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    Lessons from my YC Application review

    @itagaki sure, send it to [](
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    Lessons from my YC Application review

    @daveo Hey congrats on submitting and application and being brave enough to share it. i hope you don't mind, but I ran it through a tool we made. Here is the response.
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    [Question] Is more important for your early-adopters to love you or trust you?

    @johnathanrapp Customers love you until something better suited to their needs comes along, or you do something to upset them. (Most customers are happy to buy from (just an example) both coke and Pepsi. It depends on the time and the context. What makes it worse is they will also happily buy...
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    Advice on unconventional potential cofounder

    @carlo1 Is he bringing some cash or idea specific knowledge? I imagine he’s as insecure as you are. On the flip side how would you work with a 21 year old? I’m about your age. I think in many ways it would be the same difference except our age and up have more life experience. Too much...
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    Looking for resources/articles/books re: pricing your ( software ) product

    @leahstig Your welcome. Good luck
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    Rejected and yet *so* happy I applied

    @josephelizabeth It’s refreshing to see the positive attitude. Good luck with what you’re building.
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    Looking for resources/articles/books re: pricing your ( software ) product

    @leahstig There are three things to consider 1) competitors (customers reference point), 2) what customers have paid before (to solve or almost solve the problem, and 3) your costs. Your costs + a margin is your absolute floor and ideally nothing like what you will actually charge. You should...
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    I am planning to apply to ycombinator. Is it good enough?

    @sg1371 Get people to use and pay for it. Launch as quickly as you can and take it from there. Your in an incredibly popular and competitive space. Everything from ChatGPT down are alternatives to an extent. Have a look at the last batch AI products there are a lot. Your website it a bit...
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    Opinion on my YC W23 application

    @highlyfavored85 Hi Amol, Well done for applying, and it's nice to read you have persistence. My first question would be, what was your feedback from last time? Here are a few pointers from my perspective with only the information at hand - so forgive me if some of it seems a little left...