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  1. J

    Ways to reduce my small business tax burden in USA

    @noose 🔥 lol
  2. J

    Ways to reduce my small business tax burden in USA

    @rachelcgv Ive actually thought about argentina specifically lol. Why are you so mad at the usa? Being angry, bitter, and cynical isnt going to improve anyones situation. Hate to break it to you, but we probably arent going to see a communist utopia in our lifetimes and financial disparity...
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    Ways to reduce my small business tax burden in USA

    @rachelcgv You should move to a commune
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    I don’t get it

    @islandbear Wow, uber only for the rich. Lol
  5. J

    I don’t get it

    @bhagofangels Not sure what you mean by small, but i live in a small town and its 10 minimum to get in the car. 5 seems like 1999. I dont understand how uber can charge 5 for round trip even 1.5 miles. Picking up someone one direction should cost more than that