I don’t get it


New member
I don’t get it. I recently purchased a '19 Tesla Model 3. And I was going to use it for my daytime job delivering for a local grocery store. But I wanted to use the car for more.

So I started a taxi company with the cheapest fare in town.

Some quick background: My town is relatively small, but not super small. Business is there, that’s a good way to put it.

There are three other competitors in my town running taxis. All of their vehicles, except one, are JUNK. I’m talking doors not closing, belts on the engine squealing louder than your neighbors at night. Just so many things wrong. Yet, they are constantly getting customers, primarily to the grocery store I deliver from.

I charge $5 one way anywhere in town. I offer a clean, respected, well-maintained vehicle with features such as Caraoke, Light shows, etc., FOR $5. And I can’t get a single call. I’ve advertised everywhere: Facebook, businesses (though I could do slightly better at handing out business cards).

I don’t get it. I need someone from a different perspective to tell me what I am doing wrong. I’ll answer any questions. As I’m tired of all my businesses failing. I’ve had a few and thought, well, I love driving. I love talking to people. Why not a taxi? I’m very passionate about this business and just want it to succeed.

Edit: I’ve taken all of the information I’ve been giving from you wonderful people and I’ve raised my prices up to $8 where I now match my other competitors (expect one). I’m ordering more business cards and have a new ad ready to run tomorrow at 1. Thank you so much to everyone who has helped me. I still will gladly take more information/tips.
@bhagofangels Go give your info to every bartender in town and offer $10 flat fee. Make sure you can get to every bar on 10 mins notice when you don’t have a fare. A couple of good experiences and you’ll build repeat clientele. People who like to drink like to drink multiple times per week.
@elizamurr Good point. One place I haven’t handed cards out at is bars. Mostly cause one is a large chain restaurant the other is maybe open. No knows. There hours are so messed up. It amazes me that they get business.
@bhagofangels I’ve noticed at places where I live, there are several senior citizens that always take a taxi. They go to bars during the day and aren’t leaving at 3am. But if you gain trust, they’ll also need rides to the bank and the grocery, dr appointments, etc. they won’t use an app like Uber.
@elizamurr Yesss my mother is a nurse at an assisted living and just offered to take my cards/flyers to her work and hand them out. I think that could be good business there too
@bhagofangels If there are any independent living facilites where you are, it’s also a good idea. The clientele are usually younger and more active at 55+ apartments. Most will still drive but are careful of drinking, not great weather, or after dark.

Edit: correct predictive text
@elizamurr But you get that old lady with 5 bags of groceries that you have to load and unload at her home a half mile from the store. Pays with senior citizen coupons. You’re ready to get out of there to actually make money and she says wait for your tip. So a couple minutes digging through her coin purse and she hands over a quarter, thank her and go to leave and she asks for fifteen cents back. Yes, true story.
One place I haven’t handed cards out at is bars.

In my town, this would be the only place I'd hand out cards. I know several full-time drivers who solely cater to the local bar scene, as it's the most reliable client base in an area of our size.
@bhagofangels Does your location have weird hours for when alcohol can be sold and when it is prohibited? I would find out in your shoes and make sure you are on deck to go when the last call for drinks goes out.
@elizamurr Also, be prepared for someone throwing up in the backseat. Have cleaning supplies, gloves, etc... Maybe see if there are things you can protect anything with a crevice - once vomit gets into tiny crevices it's really hard to get out.

Source: I've seen yellow taxis in NYC cursing up a storm on the side of the road with paper towels and sprays a few times by now.
@missmandee Side note: I have found a mixture of 1tbsp:1cup hydrogen peroxide will remove vomit smell better than any brand named product. I've cleaned vomit from carpet using this method and an hour later I could put my nose to the affected area and not detect a hint of sour smell.
@chris4040 I'm an idiot. Sorry, baking soda. 1tbsp baking soda to 1 cup peroxide. I usually buy the hydrogen peroxide bottles with the squirt top and add 1 tbsp baking soda for every 8oz of peroxide, shake it, then saturate the affected area. Brush and let sit for a few minutes to break down then pat dry.
@bhagofangels How are you justifying a $30k car with $5 rides? I am sorry but this doesn’t make any sense to me. Wouldn’t it make more sense to Uber with the car or just buy a much cheaper car for this work?

Where I live, Taxis charge $16 + $2.75 per kilometre. A 15 min ride is generally $30. Uber charge about $25 for the same trip. And neither of them drive Tesla.
@sunshine87 Also holy crap. $25??? Uber charges $5 round trip to go 1.5 miles down the road to the grocery store. My town is small so charging by mile just dosent exist in this town. None of my competitors charge by mile.
@bhagofangels Not sure what you mean by small, but i live in a small town and its 10 minimum to get in the car. 5 seems like 1999. I dont understand how uber can charge 5 for round trip even 1.5 miles. Picking up someone one direction should cost more than that

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