I don’t get it

@bhagofangels As a lifelong resident of a small town and someone who helps to run a small business in a small town, I can personally testify that people generally stick with what they know. If they've been using taxi company A for a while and are generally happy with the prices and service, they're probably going to stick with it. Even if the car is kind of dodgy. They know the number for that taxi, they're familiar with the driver(s). Small town people aren't always the most comfortable with change, and that holds especially true for older small town people.

It also just takes time for a new business to penetrate the consciousness of the general public. They might be aware of your business, but when it comes time to call a taxi, they're just not making the connection yet.

Definitely go with more business cards. They are a tangible reminder of your service. People can keep them in their wallet or purse and have your contact info right there should they need your service. Sometimes all you need are those first few customers to get the ball rolling. Then people see you in action or they tell their friends/family and then she momentum builds from there.
@bhagofangels Can I snort blow and drink a tall boy in your pristine fancy car?

Can I ash my Pall Mall all over your already stained back seat?

It’s not always about cleanliness and cost.

Know your clients.
@bhagofangels No. I’m saying you’re too fancy. When I’m drunk I’d rather go with Ricky in his Chrysler LeBaron who has a shitty-but-will-do-for-tonight cocaine hookup and tries to hook me up with his sister.

Know your clients.

Do I pay $5 to you and have to deal with you being upset about your fancy Tesla getting spills in it, you not letting me drunkenly blare music, and you tell me to keep the windows up? Or do I let Ricky drive me home with no worries of extra charges or anything?
@bhagofangels Ricky laughed when I shit in his car. Said I’m the second one that night.

Be a niche. Be the fancy cab in town. Always wear a suit, give mints to passengers, be early and stand outside to get the door for people. Separate yourself but also charge more for the service.

Know your clients.

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