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  1. B

    All that talk about user satisfaction at YC and no feedback on rejections

    @reallivegirl I really appreciate your favor. It means a lot. I’m going to work on my business for a while before I seek funding or feedback. Thank you!
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    All that talk about user satisfaction at YC and no feedback on rejections

    @reallivegirl Yeah I feel like by not giving us any feedback, they’ve made sure that just incase person-applying is not an absolute loser and they reapply much different than before, they’re not losing out of this potentially good application (person might not apply back if there was a rating...
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    All that talk about user satisfaction at YC and no feedback on rejections

    @613jono Your response was the most useful of all the responses from people who are apparently in YC as per their statements in this thread. Yeah, I kind of put YC on a pedestal in its ability to understand new industries or see something novel in a new industry. I guess I have a more...
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    All that talk about user satisfaction at YC and no feedback on rejections

    @johnhus1966 Do you think people trying to cope, or who may be smart enough to think that they look like someone trying to cope wouldn’t have thought about whether they’re trying to cope by saying what they say? Do people who go to YC think their job is to find people who they think are coping...
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    All that talk about user satisfaction at YC and no feedback on rejections

    @jesuspleasesaveme I didn’t know bullets were soft. Do you know what bullets look like? There’s a saying that those who choose words do so cause they can’t raise a sword to kill. Never mind. Thanks for sharing how less you see. You must be brave to display your stupidity point blank :)
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    All that talk about user satisfaction at YC and no feedback on rejections

    @beaufordqrastus Don’t worry, good ideas don’t get funded. I have to earn a comp sci degree for people to believe I can code. Don’t get me started on finding cofounders to make up for someone else’s lack of ability to spot talent yet. Thanks for your honest feedback. I just wish organizations...
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    All that talk about user satisfaction at YC and no feedback on rejections

    @beaufordqrastus How about a really intelligent system to tag applications into categories meant to suggest improvements followed by an extremely well worded cautionary text saying “this was our initial reaction after 12 minutes spent on this application” why not automate the review process so...
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    All that talk about user satisfaction at YC and no feedback on rejections

    @briank7 There’s this story about Socrates. I’m not a philosophy major. But I’ll tell you the way I know it. Lots of people absolutely enthralled looking at imagery on a cave wall. They’re so enthralled they dance to every move, they react to every imagery they see. That’s one group. One...
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    All that talk about user satisfaction at YC and no feedback on rejections

    @razman10 Were you desperate when you got into YC? 2.1 Are you saying it’s wrong 2.2 is it wrong to be desperate? 2.2.1 was it intended to make people desperate? Has it worked out for them? does it matter that at a certain point, when you’re bigger than life, the public can expect...
  10. B

    All that talk about user satisfaction at YC and no feedback on rejections

    With their massive scale and presence, instead of saying “our scale is why we can’t respond to individual rejects” couldn’t they say, “we’ve scale, so we’ll figure out a way to add value to everyone that applies to YC through feedback, especially given the hope we seemingly spread and the...