All that talk about user satisfaction at YC and no feedback on rejections

@reallivegirl Yeah I feel like by not giving us any feedback, they’ve made sure that just incase person-applying is not an absolute loser and they reapply much different than before, they’re not losing out of this potentially good application (person might not apply back if there was a rating and it was poor without giving due merit to industry knowledge or something else). Basically YC chances of recouping on their judgement error is higher if they don’t put their foot down about their evaluation of a company when rejecting.
@barney Honestly, most companies that apply and get rejected should just go watch the YC videos on their YouTube channel. How many have u even watched?
@barney Why do you feel you need YC? What will you gain versus What would you lose? Also - what stage are you at? IDEA? MVP? CASH-FLOW? SCALE? We have Co-Founded 100+ SaaS companies in 2 years - love to help!

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