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    Mechanical Engineer needing help with ideas

    @wil1975 Gotcha, thank you
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    Mechanical Engineer needing help with ideas

    @wil1975 My 2 cents, but I can only see you getting a good answer if investors is the road block or you are looking for a big picture (I.e. already have the small picture). I’m trying to get the small picture to take shape.
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    Mechanical Engineer needing help with ideas

    @rtellard My degree was very time consuming so I blocked out hours for study. Worked and reworked many problems. Another would be to intern/co-op while finishing the degree and potential shadow someone you might know in the field. These will involved NDAs and such to keep your mouth shut but...
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    Mechanical Engineer needing help with ideas

    I have a B.S. degree in M.E. And have worked in the aerospace industry for 12 years. Always had an itch to start on my business and even done some odds and ins with mowing peoples yards and running. Firework tent. However, I struggle to get the “think like an entrepreneur” spirit. Wondering if...