Mechanical Engineer needing help with ideas


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I have a B.S. degree in M.E. And have worked in the aerospace industry for 12 years. Always had an itch to start on my business and even done some odds and ins with mowing peoples yards and running. Firework tent. However, I struggle to get the “think like an entrepreneur” spirit. Wondering if y’all had tricks or tips to help change the mindset into looking for filling the gaps people really need.
@inofk71 You worked in aerospace industry for 12 years. That is your key. Find a problem that bugged you or your coworkers a lot and start from there.
@inofk71 No special tricks on "how to fill the gaps". Talk to people, find out what they do and their daily challenges and how it makes them feel (yeah I know it sounds abit like a therapy) and then simple just listen.

What I would do then is start asking WHY. Why do they put up with it? Is it because the solution doesnt exist (highly unlikely)? Is it because they dont know where to look or is it too expensive? Etc etc.

Once you have identify people's pain points, start asking why, then keep asking why. Once you have found the answers to those, you will know whether there is a much needed gap in the market to fill.
@inofk71 Sit down and write down all the skills and interests you have.

For each skill, think of ways to make money off that skill. As a ME with aerospace experience, these skills are likely the most could you sell this knowledge?

My first thought is some sort of consulting services. Think about problems that you know exist that you can help others solve. That could be individuals or businesses.

Once you have some ideas about what you can consult on, find people/business who you think would benefit from these services and ask them.

As a friend once told me, feedback is a gift. Much easier to get peoples honest thoughts before you go all in in an idea, than to plow ahead with no idea what the demand for your product/service is.
@inofk71 If you're looking for an idea that you can take and turn into a product or a business, take a look at people with disabilities.

When's the last time a wheelchair had a make-over and was improved?

What about turning existing houses into accessible housing - all I ever see in commercials are stair-lifts that people install on their stairs and use to go up/down the stairs - that's IT????

What about products that make it easier for someone to open a can or cook something?

What about devices that help people with disabilities drive?
@inofk71 Similar itch but I’m on the other side of the spectrum just starting to pursue a mechanical engineering degree. Any advice from someone who’s been there?
@rtellard My degree was very time consuming so I blocked out hours for study. Worked and reworked many problems. Another would be to intern/co-op while finishing the degree and potential shadow someone you might know in the field. These will involved NDAs and such to keep your mouth shut but it’ll help narrow the area of your focus. Mechanical is broad degree(cars, HVAC, robotics, structures, manufacturing, etc)
@rtellard ME here, now out of school about 5 years with experience in multiple industries through internships and jobs.

I’ve learned that you’ll never get rich being an ME working for somebody else. The smartest thing you can do is come up with an idea for a product to start your own company, or get an MBA and run a large engineering company
@inofk71 Here's my best tip (I tried this with colleagues and students and NEVER got an answer..)

If you had an UNLIMITED BUDGET (Take money out of the equation) What could you design or build to make the average person's life a little easier..... Good Luck... Have never had a decent answer on this one....
@wil1975 My 2 cents, but I can only see you getting a good answer if investors is the road block or you are looking for a big picture (I.e. already have the small picture). I’m trying to get the small picture to take shape.

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