First time founder building a SaaS product… but I feel like it’s always needing one more thing… before beta launch

@meduhsinman i don't think the feeling ever goes away tbh, you just adjust your thought process around it.

My most recent launch ( was launched with a basic frontend, Google Forms and Google Sheets lol

As we speak, I'm building features that some would argue should have been available since day 1. Instead, I launched early and am building based on feedback I'm getting.

My past projects, I would try and guess what the user would like, and build the feature, only to find out that they couldn't care less.

So IMO, ship an MVP with the most basic features and build on top of it as you get user feedback. Better to do that than waste time and delay launch for a product that might just flop.
@meduhsinman Don’t ask “would it be better if?” It’ll always be better if.

Instead ask what it takes to get one customer. ONE. Build it and get that customer.

Then ask what it takes to get 10 and expand to that.

This will force you to focus on your 10x feature not all the long tail stuff that will eventually surround it.
@meduhsinman As a third time founder, I am not even close to a finished product and I’m looking for customers where I will treat them almost like they’re hiring me as a consultant. The resulting stuff that I build for them will end up in the product and it will get polished over time.

Getting one customer is 10x more important than launching with the “perfect” feature set.