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  1. K

    Hacker hijacked my website?

    @hannahjb By sending everyone a different wallet address and then checking whether they receive money. That's how crypto payments work.
  2. K

    No one cares about your newsletter

    @woodsja00 That is a very good realization. The next step towards your enlightenment is when you realize that no one cares about your product. Most people, most of the time, only care about themselves and about their loved ones. That's it. If you want to get their attention to even try your...
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    Analyze websites using AI, collect leads for your business

    @namers The over the fold area seems clear enough, but I'm not really sure what I think about the logo. It's some kind of bug and reminds me of a cockroach. I don't usually want to be thinking about cockroaches. I see what you are going with the bug theme, this cute little bug will crawl the...
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    5 FREE Online Courses That Can Make You $10,000+ Monthly!

    @jonnox777 If this content was any thinner, it could apply for a research grant for nano technology development.
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    Roast my baby names app

    @jeannieg Finally an app that I can install to my smartphone when I'm rushing to the hospital and I need to come up with a baby name on the spot. Because I cannot just open any random "most popular baby names" website, which are by the thousands, but instead I needed an app for this.
  6. K

    We made a tool to evaluate E-E-A-T of your content

    @bbradlovesgod My main thoughts are after opening the website: There is nothing there except a login screen. You are telling me I need to create an account just to see this thing? Seems like a hard sell. Show me a live demo or at least some amazing looking screenshots with real data and I can...
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    Roast my PnPAI :) - Any feedback or criticism is more than welcomed

    @isak84 The logo looks like a robotic grasshopper taking a dump. It's hard to take this seriously with that logo. The main pitch "Data-Driven Success: Unleashing the Power of AI for Personalized Recommendations, Customer Segmentation, and More!" is too long and too vague. Clicking the Join Now...
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    I mapped out the best restaurants in the world

    @monty58 The welcome popup is annoying and completely unnecessary. The logos on it grow bigger when mouse cursor is over them. This implies they are clickable, but they are not. This is very confusing. And every time I open the page, the same annoying popup shows up. Such as when clicking the...
  9. K

    Product Hunt First Launch Today!

    @cheyanne In other words, now we are reaching the postmodern hell where candidates use AI to generate applications and employers use AI to read those applications. Call me old fashioned and a killjoy but I think these are not steps forward for humanity.
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    Making $190,000 per month with an AI dating assistant

    @jesrdking Reminds me about the dude who sold a monkee jpeg for hundreds of thousands of dollars some time ago.
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    I created a location-based Q&A platform

    @lagilagimasto I think this is a nice idea, but like many other nice ideas, this will only work if a lot of people will start to use this. And no one is going to start to use this, before there already are a lot of users. The classic chicken and egg problem. Also, the current version of the...
  12. K

    Roast My Startup: released JUSI beta

    @urban_legend Greetings from Braga! I think the over the fold section of the website is a bit too busy. There are so many colors, shapes, icons, font styles and even animations happening, it's very difficult to decide where to look at. You could improve that by removing the animation with...
  13. K

    I made a web analytics tool -

    @jcreek With AdBlock enabled, your website is looking very sad: At the pricing section, the "First year updates free, 70% yearly cost later" sounds odd. I don't know what the 70% thing means. I think the product looks good. I would imagine a hosted version would attract...
  14. K

    Roast my SaaS idea and possibly suggest some improvements and features

    @walkerdavis Like mentioned, you have just come up the idea of Shopify. So, what makes you think you can make Shopify, but more simple and easy to use? They have a lot of money and professionals working on their service. What do you have that makes you think you can do better? I'm not saying...
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    Our journey to the first $1,000. What worked and what hasn't

    @johnnyboylane Which are?
  16. K

    How 1970’s tech made my app 2100% faster

    @jeff144 Thank you so much!
  17. K

    We spent 40 Days to build a product no one wants to use

    @niceguy01 Mistakes are a good way to learn. I have been to many schools and courses in my life, but nothing has taught me as well as the mistakes of building products that I have made. Making mistakes is normal and to be expected. But the key is to not repeat the same mistakes the next time...
  18. K

    We spent 40 Days to build a product no one wants to use

    @niceguy01 Assuming your analysis is correct that no one wants to use your product: You need to learn from your mistakes and move on.
  19. K

    Roast the landing page for my SaaS

    @walkerdavis There's literally nothing here. A scrolling "coming soon!" text which reminds me of 2001's websites (and not in a good way), and a "join waitlist" popup thing that explains nothing what this thing is, what does it do, what does it cost, when is it going to be released, why should I...
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    How 1970’s tech made my app 2100% faster

    @renee77 Thank you so much!