Product Hunt First Launch Today!

@cheyanne In other words, now we are reaching the postmodern hell where candidates use AI to generate applications and employers use AI to read those applications.

Call me old fashioned and a killjoy but I think these are not steps forward for humanity.
@karenwnc Hi Jouni! Thanks for the response, let me explain our approach. In our tool the central decision maker is still the recruiter, who is the one that sets the mandatory/preferred requirements.

The AI’s role is to automate repetitive tasks, like extracting information from resumes and assessing whether a candidate meets those set requirements. For instance, if a requirement is having at least 2 years of experience in Python, the AI will identify if the candidates meets or not that requirement, generate a score based on the criteria and show these information to the user.

I hope this clarifies our approach – feel free to share any more thoughts or questions!