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  1. H

    What are your favorite examples of signalling?

    @soibac91 Very awesome example. In terms of the seriousness at start, do you feel it's better to keep it realistic (mimic competition) or exaggerated to amp up the seriousness as much as possible, creating an even bigger contrast once you switch to casual mode?
  2. H

    What are your favorite examples of signalling?

    @grenbh Absolutely true - I subconsciously judge every single website I visit too. There's absolutely a difference between a hacked up Wordpress template, or a sleek clean design. practical lesson: Use a premium design to become a premium brand.
  3. H

    What are your favorite examples of signalling?

    To start, a quick primer to people that might not be familiarized with the concept of signalling. "... marketing signaling is any communication that provides information beyond the mere form of a message. An easy example is price. Higher prices generally signal higher quality." - SCG I'm...