
  1. A

    Wanted to Participate in selling goods at my School’s intramurals but…

    Hi guys! I’m a 2nd year marketing student and started a small online clothing business and there is currently an upcoming intramurals and our student council is requiring concessionaires to have a business permit or at least a DTI registration. Although wala naman kasing problem sakin yon, the...
  2. N

    Affordable Courier Options for National Shipping

    I was getting ready to start my small business online (Shopee & Tiktok) a few months ago but then BIR recently required all online businesses to be registered with them. I don't think I can do that, considering the future processes, expenses, and other efforts just to be registered and comply...
  3. A

    [Advice] How to Build Relationships With Guest Bloggers

    As an early stage startup, leveraging every possible marketing channel is key to both testing your product and getting feedback, as well as driving traffic to start making sales. It is critical that your mindset is both thinking of the most efficient and effective techniques. If you are...
  4. F

    [Advice] How to run growth experiments for your startup

    Finally put together an essay on how I ran growth experiments at my startup, using the G.R.O.W.S method (coined by the Growth Tribe). Both a qualitative and quantitative approach to flushing out your core growth channel(s). Has anyone else tried this method or even found another to work...
  5. D

    Foodpanda is charging almost 5k?

    I actually closed my foodpanda account as a vendor because I couldn’t keep up with the walk-in orders and online orders. My restaurant is a cloud kitchen. Tbh, small-time franchise siya ng “Superemacy Franchise” (di ko feel yung supremacy😅) namely, yung K-Egg, Konam. I received this letter, na I...
  6. G

    Business owners, where to park some cash?

    Hi. I made a list of online savings account of Digital banks where you can put your money to earn high interest especially if hindi mo need gamitin if the next few months. Digital banks interest rates: DiskarTech - 6.5% CIMB GSave - 5% - 15% CIMB UpSave - 5% - 15% OwnBank - 6% GoTyme - 5%...
  7. I

    [Advice] How To Have More Effective Meetings

    One of the things I have really focused on as an entrepreneur is to optimize my time, When I worked for large companies I always hated long drawn out meetings that didn’t accomplish anything for me. As a result I don’t hold long meetings with my business, I keep them short and to the point, I...
  8. S

    Anyone here who has hired their employees via facebook?

    I’m starting a carwash business and most definitely I can’t expect a proper resume sa target group ko. How do you hire and vet people through facebook? Any tips?
  9. S

    PhilEx logistics

    Sino po nkakalam if ok ba ang service ng PhilEx, and if maganda ba ito pasukin na negosyo. Since nag ooffer sila ng franchising din... Pinag iisipan ko kasing mag franchise n lang nito pero di ko masyado familiar ang PhilEx,
  10. M

    Gonna start my own business

    Hello! Dental student F(24) here and I aspire to start my own dental store. I have already experienced selling of my extra or unused dental materials on fb groups. Kahit ngayon I’m still selling some materials na consumables na may profit ako since bulk ko binili. Na enjoy ko yung process and...
  11. K

    How profitable is an ice plant?

    Saw an ice plant along the highway while riding a jeep... Just wondering if may nakatry n b nito as a business? Gaano kalaki ang capital to start this business? Madali bang makakuha ng customers? Madali bang patakbuhin than other types of businesses?
  12. C

    Paano ba?

    If you have a business ~ specifically a convenience store, tapes there’s a banchetto on the other side of the road, how are u going to pull those customers to your store knowing that you’re open 24/7 and the banchetto will serve them only ‘til midnight? Helppppp!
  13. P

    Advice for a 21 Y.O. college student with little to no experience?

    I want to start working part-time so I could stop relying on my parents on school expenses but the problem is I don't have experience and i'm not sure if I'd be able to land a job. The only experience I have with "work" are art commissions online. I've made decent money off it but it's a hit or...
  14. Y

    [Advice] A competitor emailed us that they're going to copy us. How should we respond?

    We're a couple of long-time Redditors who met on Reddit and are now asking Reddit for advice. additional details in x/startups
  15. S

    Business near LTO

    Hello! Any business idea po na pwede itayo near LTO? Printing po sana kaso meron ng magkakatabi 3-4 printing shops na malakas then siomai rin sana pero marami na ring street vendors. As a person na pupuntang LTO, ano pa po kaya ang necessity? TIA!