build in public

  1. T

    9 micro SaaS Ideas you can build in 1 Day using no-code tech

    9 micro SaaS Ideas you can build in 1 Day using no-code tech Today, I’m gonna give you a gift 9 micro SaaS Ideas you can develop very fast, with no tech background (or at least you should use no-code tools that often require management of development flows), but these ideas I’m going to present...
  2. B

    People are using the free trial of my SaaS but not paying for it to keep using it. How to fix it and make them pay?

    I launched this SaaS in January 15 and a lot of people joined, they were saying that they loved it, it is a very cool SaaS, etc. the numbers were fantastic. More than 60 users subscribed and 25 active users in a month, however, they’ve only used the trial time and then don’t wanna pay for it...
  3. N

    What are your pro tips for analyzing payments subscription data (e.g. Stripe)?

    Hey founders, how do you analyze and derive insights on your Subscription data? Specifically how do you calculate and report on metrics like MRR, churn rate, refund rate. And dimensions or insights to help understand where these metrics are most extreme? I know there are tools for later stage...
  4. I

    Just Launched my iOS app on Product Hunt!

    Hello guys, I just lunched my iOS app on product hunt today and your support is crucial. Can you please support me on product hunt? Link: Thank you!
  5. S

    Gaining subscribers from a meme ad

    I posted this meme ad on Twitter for my new SaaS product -> Here's the link to the Tweet -> Would love some feedback on what people think about the meme along with the copy.
  6. S

    AI Era: what LLM model do you choose?

    Today, almost all SaaS/app wants to build integration with AI. A short story to share - Fina Money uses LLM to power up its answer to users' financial questions. Initially using OpenAI's API. Observed the slow response on GPT-4 model, it makes me think, are there any alternatives that we may...
  7. D

    I built Microsoft Teams App that makes 200k/ARR. AMA!

    Hey there, my name is Ilia. I launched my app for Microsoft Teams in summer of 2020 during COVID epidemic. App provides internal knowledge base for companies that using Microsoft Teams. It took me almost 3 years to hit 200k / ARR. I’m working on this app alone I don’t raise any investments I...
  8. C

    Can you roast tf out my site thx :)

    Hey There guys, so i had an idea an before i fully commit to the idea. I made a simple landing page, would you guys be willing to roast it and tell my why and where its bad. Also to kill 2 birds with one stone would you guys use my SaaS? Its a CRM on steroids basically, i built it because i...
  9. S

    I’m building a Personalized AI Copywriter Tool

    I had an idea and I created it with within 2 days. It’s Writepal. AI Writer Tool which mimic your style, learn based on your article/content and write it like you. It can write facebook ady copy, essay and product description, working on more templates. It’s free with 500 credit...
  10. B

    Who Would You Nominate?

    Hey everyone! I started my indie SaaS journey about 6 months ago after burning out from endless crypto scam bullshit in 2021/2022. It's been a wild ride, relearning how to build things that make sense with web2 tech stack instead of unnecessarily complicated web3 stuff nobody wants but buy...
  11. C

    Met cofounder on r/SaaS → 1 year later, SaaS got acquired

    Sharing this here from a user that tagged me, since they've found their co-founder on r/SaaS Big congrats to Nick!!
  12. S

    Y Combinator *applicant* statistics

    How many of you here have applied to YC in the past (or for the current batch)? I've been very curious about what affects an application and what makes someone more likely to be invited for an interview or to get in. I've even read a research paper that showed some correlation between one's...
  13. J

    Best Saas for e-mail leads gen?

    Looking for some price-friendly products for e-mail leads generation, or IG leads gen plus auto dm. Any recommendations? My product is a video editing Saas. Thoughts on growth strategies r welcome!!
  14. N

    So I’m an AI scientist trying to come up with an idea for SaaS

    As the title says, I have been working in AI for 8 years now with a strong background in software dev and cloud systems. I have been trying to escape the idea of selling my time and focus on selling a product. I’m trying to come up with an idea but it’s a little too hard for me. How do you...
  15. P

    Watch me build a product from scratch in 24 hours

    I just had an idea for a fun product to build. I’d to build in public and share a timelapse video. For context, I am a product designer with expertise in no-code development. The product is essentially a commitment app. For example, would you like to have your friend go hiking with you next...
  16. L

    what features are missing from our free, open-source SaaS starter?

    Hey r/saas peeps, On January 30th, we released Open SaaS, a free, open-source SaaS starter for React & NodeJS. So far the release is going great with over ⭐️ 3,300 ⭐️ stars on GitHub 🤯 I’m wondering if you all have any burning feature requests that you’d love to see in a SaaS starter template...
  17. A

    ai-o - Browse the web and chat with AI, side by side

    Hi reddit 👋 I am the developer of "ai-o" - and all-in-one portable chatbot with some useful chat & prompt utilities. I made this from my dislike of context switching between my current task and ChatGPT, alongside the fact that ChatGPT currently is lacking in some core chat utilities such as...
  18. L

    I built a website where you can get a shoutout on the homepage for 1$

    I was a bit bored during my semester break and tried to find a way to make some money and came up with the idea of . (Did it just for fun so even if it doesn’t work, at least I learned sth) You can buy a shoutout for 1 USD and it’ll be shown on the main homepage until...
  19. D

    Simple strategy to launch free AI tools without buring your pocket

    Free AI tools are a great SEO hack to get more traffic on your website, but my biggest concern always has been abuse of them. Now the strategy I'm going to share isnt 100% bulletproof and folks can definitely get around it. But it has been working well so far. I've implemented it for my...
  20. S

    How I made $1k revenue in 8 days?

    Hi guys, I am Bahauddin Aziz and I am building, it is a cold emailing SaaS aimed to make hyper-personalization at scale. I am sharing a story on how I made the first few dollars with this business with just an alpha product by independently doing lifetime deals. So basically...