build in public

  1. S

    How I made $1k revenue in 8 days?

    Hi guys, I am Bahauddin Aziz and I am building, it is a cold emailing SaaS aimed to make hyper-personalization at scale. I am sharing a story on how I made the first few dollars with this business with just an alpha product by independently doing lifetime deals. So basically...
  2. H

    Roast my GPT I build to support my SaaS

    Give it a try and it'll show you journalists who might be willing to write a post about your SaaS Here is the story. I collected pretty large database of journalists and articles for my SaaS. To validate...
  3. L

    From a no coder to founding and building an AI SaaS product. Introducing Learn about my journey and share yours too!

    Hey there! 👋 As someone who's been immersed in the world of technology, always learning of whats's new in the tech industry I took up a career in Tech from being a coder to a no coding role. After working in tech for 10+ years, Entrepreneurship happened during 4.5+ years ago. When I wanted to...
  4. D

    My SaaS just crossed $1,000 in revenue in 4 months

    After being jobless from my high-paying job, I decided to build a Micro SaaS ofc. With zero marketing and sales knowledge, I started building this tool - together wityayayyyf the best marketing geniuses I know. I Had no clue how it would perform or if we would get even a single...
  5. M

    First time founder building a SaaS product… but I feel like it’s always needing one more thing… before beta launch

    Hi everyone, first time founder here. I’ve been working with a overseas dev, and I feel like im inching closer to the beta launch. But I am thinking… well it should have this before launch… and that… and can’t launch without this… How do I set those feelings aside? Im afraid that the app...
  6. S

    My FFmpeg wrapper for macOS made $8K in 3 months

    Hey everyone, just wanted to share my success story with CompressX, my FFmpeg wrapper for macOS. For those who may not be familiar, FFmpeg is a powerful tool for converting, streaming, and recording audio and video content. I created a user-friendly wrapper for macOS that simplifies the...
  7. W

    Need some feedback on my dashboard

    Hey guys! Currently building a Virtual Interview & Meeting Coach using AI. I'm building the dashboard, and have the basic functionality to do interviews/meetings now, but need to do a few changes. Here is how the dashboard is rn I'm using React-Bootstrap, and was supposed to rewrite the...
  8. K

    5 tips on making first sales as a Solo Founder, without leaving a 9-5 job as I did..

    Hi. I left a 9-5 job as a full stack dev, built 2 new startups, and made my first money from both. Rethinking life, I have a conclusion I could do it without leaving a full-time job. You can too. Having more free time helped me build faster (~ 3 weeks to MVP). But I wouldn't have made it here...
  9. A

    I know you probably don’t send greeting cards, but would you if it was easier and more 21st century?

    Hi, y’all! I am digital nomad who likes to stay connected with friends from the various seasons of my life, family from around the world, and this might be weird but even the random people that I sit next to on planes, my dentist - ultimately I just love letting the people in my world know how...
  10. T

    Find Existing Startup Ideas making Millions $$$

    Best way to succeed in startups is copying already successful startups. You don't need to be a genius to find an original idea. After all, everything is a remix. But where do you find these successful startups making millions? Well, its quite simple. 100s of Indiehackers have been tooting...
  11. A

    I have built a website that tracks the stocks that left the S&P 500 index It automatically generates articles describing the stock and the reasons it left/joined the S&P 500.
  12. R

    A Bootstrapped SaaS Story: from $0 to $10K MRR

    Hey! I'm Alexander Isora, the founder of Unicorn Platform. Unicorn Platform is a landing page and blog builder for SaaS which I made solo. Let me tell you how I came up with the idea, why only this project among 20+ ones I created really got off the ground, and what sources of traffic and...
  13. T

    7 Open Source AI Apps You Can Build in a week!!

    Today, I’d like to interest you in ten other end user open source projects. They may be less popular, but are very interesting! Oh, let’s go with 10. Let’s dig in! 1. OpenPilot — Open Source Car AutoPilot The last project is one I learned about a month ago, and it blew my mind. You probably...
  14. G

    I applied to 300 jobs, didn’t get a single call back, so I’m building my own SaaS company... Because why not?

    Hey fellow saas devs, After hitting the magical number of 300 job applications and collecting exactly zero callbacks (I know, my popularity is overwhelming), I've decided to switch gears. Instead of continuing my quest to become the most rejected developer in history, I've embarked on a...
  15. T

    7 Hottest New Apps to Supercharge Your Work

    Welcome back to our monthly meetup, where we uncover the hidden gems and must-have apps that dazzled us in Septe mber! ✨ Dive into a world of productivity and efficiency as we present to you the 7 most upvoted apps, according to the Product Hunt community. 1. Tally 2.0 The simplest way to...
  16. T

    AMA about Growth for your SaaS!

    Hi, I am using growth marketing to grow the following ventures: videoSEO (a content brand around using video to get your website to rank higher.) Custom-Fit (a virtualized clothes shopping mall where you can print clothes that fit you and hang out with faraway friends) I also do market...
  17. C

    Just sold our SaaS for 6 figures. Honest lessons I wish I knew - would have saved me time

    Will try to be as honest as possible Context: My brother (19) and I (25) sold for 6 digits What app does: a Notion website builder. What you can do - lessons learned I’d want to share 1. Copy something that works… We weren’t the first Notion website builder. But I tried...
  18. C

    Link whisper for those who use Google Docs and Publish to WordPress

    Reduce your SEO Internal Linking efforts - Save 2 hours per post This is for bloggers, who write in Google Docs and publishing to WordPress. Problem: Manually finding keywords and adding internal links is time-consuming. But it is important for SEO. Adding the “Related articles” at the end...
  19. C

    Reached $500 in sales in 1 week with my new product! (no AI)

    Proof $500 is not A LOT but for a new project... hey! It's the Matthew Principle for us, I hope - or at least the first step. I have to mention there's no AI in our product, so that's the 2nd anti-hype signal I'm sending you. Context: we are an eSignature tool - think: DocuSign competitor...
  20. H

    Roast my idea Please!

    Pain points: I built two startups before. I personally and strongly feel the pain point that getting ready to test a new product takes time, even if you’re super focused and know how to do it time and capital efficiently. In addition, there are way too many generative AI tools in the market...