
  1. C

    Outsourcing cheaper subscriptions!

    I was reading a blog about how Subscription services vary per country. And i checked Spotify premium subscriptions and it was 9.99 pounds in UK and 1.19 pounds here. YouTube premium subscription costs 0.3 dollars in Argentina and 11.99 dollars in UK. So i thought why not outsource these...
  2. P

    Creating email campaigns for fellow course creators?

    I love creating email campaigns in my biz. I want to help other businesses with it but which way should I go? Most of the hundreds of thousands in revenue that my digital course in the outdoors industry has made has been through friend-to-friend email followup campaigns that sell in a low-key...
  3. A


    HEY y'all since I started a tyre shop I had no idea how hard it is to find clients so far I only have one client and he only pays on credit and by the time I get my profit it has already been all used up on food n gas, what can I do to broaden my clientele
  4. G

    My favorite story on persistence

    Sun was a fledgling company and was fighting Apollo for a deal with Computervision. They worked for months, then one day Vinod got a call from a Computervision representative notifying them that they had chosen Apollo. Apparently, Computervision had made the decision long ago. By now, there...
  5. A

    0 users, $2.5 million for seed

    We are building a new social media, it’s unique, we have very solid pitch, Great number calculations, realistic, We already invested $20K into the product beta and We are a team of 8 - programmers, managers, designers, marketers -We have a great board advisory from people working for...
  6. R

    Building 7 Figure Instagram Agency [FROM SCRATCH] - 2,5 million shoutout

    Hey, Folks:), This is the 3rd post of documenting us building a 7 figure Instagram agency creation. Original post - Day 11 - We ran our first shoutout group yesterday Goal#1 - 10k Instagram followers, so we would have proof of our experience and would be able to start emailing potential...
  7. S

    E- commerce's Apps for small businesses and Entrepreneurs

    Hi guys, my name is Wenwu and I am an owner of a Tech company named Dev Technologies that is located in NYC. We are developing fully functional IOS/ Android E- commerce's Apps for small businesses and Entrepreneurs who would like to expand their brands. We provide other Tech related services...
  8. D

    I tracked November’s Marketing Updates: Youtube & Tiktok E-commerce Changes & Google Updates You Missed!

    Tiktok Tiktok launched First In-app Business Shops In US, launching it’s long awaited e-commerce feature this month. Tiktok Added new Demographic Insights to Ad Manager. Instagram Instagram launched “Reels Scheduling” up to 75 days worth of reels. Instagram launches Home & Explore Ads...
  9. S


    In my last post I shared how I hit $20 million with one of my companies (pinned to this subreddit). In this post I’ll share my general approach to building businesses. Not saying this is how you should work, just sharing how WE work. Here goes: COMING UP WITH AN IDEA: We don't build...
  10. A

    Pm project management

    PMMilestone v3.0 is a comprehensive package containing three distinct product packages, each tailored to meet specific needs in project management and business operations. These packages include: Project Management Docs and Templates Business Documents and Templates Business and PM Presentation...
  11. A

    Stick or twist: resource allocation between existing business and new ideas

    Hi, I’m lucky to have two digital products in the consumer B2C subscription space generating about 20K MRR. The first is currently generating the most (15K) but requires around 5K on PPC. However, I think I’m close to the ceiling here. It’s a small niche. I’m also facing a lot of competition...
  12. H

    Balancing Explore v Exploit Data Trade-offs

    Bees perform the waggle dance to tell other bees where the best source of pollen is. This enables the hive to find food efficiently. Most bees act on this information, but around 15% don’t. Why do some bees go their own way? The answer relates to the long term survival of the hive. Some of the...
  13. T

    Should I set up my own shop ?

    I recently pivoted my lead gen company through cold email to the EXIM industry. Had great statistical success with cold emails so it was natural to find the highest ticket industry since my effort is the same accross the board. By EXIM this is what I mean, helping 3rd world country's commodity...
  14. A

    What do you find messy at your company?

    E.g. can you find the documents after some time or is there any black hole that swallows them? E.g. Are processes understandable? E.g. do you know wich regulations you need to follow?
  15. S

    Digital Marketing Market Research

    I’m a recent graduate from a Digital Marketing program at a local college. I’m now taking a night course focused on market value, pitching, and value proposition. My first assignment is to ask thirty people I don’t know some basic questions for market research. I’ve created a one minute survey...
  16. M

    5 metrics we use to track our teams' productivity & performance

    1. Sprint Velocity Sprint velocity is a popular Scrum metric that enables you to get a historic overview of how much value you have delivered during each sprint. In order to calculate this metric, you need to sum the story points completed at all sprints and divide them by the number of...
  17. L

    I need your help! Could you please fill this out for my thesis :)

    Over the last few years, I have grown an interest about entrepreneurship and its drivers and I am currently researching this for my thesis. Therefore I’m looking for active entrepreneurs to help me out and make my summer (and especially my future career). It will take about five minutes to fill...
  18. D

    Gen-Z is different; Anatomy of next-class of consumers

    1. More disloyal than Millennials 62% UK & US Gen-Zers surveyed by McKinsey said they would check out other brands, even if they have a favorite brand. Gen-Zs are not tied to brands like millennials, also recent trends of #deinfluence. Are suggesting that Gen-Z consumers are getting more aware...
  19. R

    Online ACT Prep Business Idea

    Hello, I’m currently in high school and have decided to get started with an online testprep/tutoring business, with about 8-10 people on each session. There will be 6 sessions on a Teams call, one each weekday minus Sunday, lasting one hour per day. Three of the days will be divided up into...
  20. W

    Is accounting a great business to start? Assuming..

    Assuming: A) your goal is to reach 8-figure net worth within 7-8 years B) you're willing to work your ass off (obviously!) C) you're able to be one of the best out there AND adapt to new technology In other words: with the above criteria and a strong desire to learn and apply a valuable...